Chapter 24: Cravings

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Months have passed and you are now 8 months pregnant. a couple of crazy things has happend so far like Keigo trying to convince you to name one of your baby's name so be KFC for the longest time, down to how you have grown closer to the LOV but also having Aizawa come over a couple of time's to drop off Eri, or simply you trying to put on your sock and shoes and failing every time. "I wanna be the godmother!" "Toga no." Toga yes!"

As for right now it was just Keigo trying to get Toga not to be the twin's godmother. "Toga I love you, but that's gonna be a hard pass." "Fine if not me then what about Dabi." I glanced over at Dabi and watch as his face turns into descust. "Fuck no." Was all Dabi said before he got off the couch and went over near Shiggy who was trying to find where I had hid the controllers to the PlayStation. 

"YOU BITCH WHERE DID YOU HIDE THEM!" I watch as he stomp's over to me and how he scratch's his neck. "I told you if you don't take care of your skin then you don't get to play it." I watch as he throws a tantrum and walks away to try to find them again. "So, where did you hide it?" Keigo asks quietly as he sits next to me. "The one place where he wouldn't dare look." I watch as he try's to figure out where till he looked at me again. "Your underwear drawer?" 

"He would but I would kill him if he did but if you really wanna know, I hid it where all lotion is, where we bought all that stuff for his skin but wont use." operantly Toga heard and threaten to tell Shiggy where I was if she didn't get to become the godmother. "No but you can be the aunt." "YES!" Toga left doing a small little victory dance, and went to go find Dabi. "I wanna go out." "Where do you wanna go baby bird?" Keigo said as he kissed a strand of my hair. "Let's go get some pickles."

First thing first we had to kick them out of the house for a bit, because last time I let them stay there while I went out with Keigo they not only destroyed the kitchen trying to make Mac and Chees that they some how burnt, witch I didn't know was possible, so from then on they weren't allowed to stay when we were both gone. "Do we really  need 3 jar's of pickles, honey? why not some chocolate instead." I watch as he pick up 2 jars out of the cart and got a bit mad. "If you put those pickles back on the shelves your sleeping on the couch tonight."

 He puts them back into the cart and smiled at me. "Fine, fine but were getting KFC on the way back." I just rolled my eye's and went to go find spicy food, cause  not only were pickles, ice-cream, and KFC my cravings but I was always craving something spicy. Once we finished checking out and putting the bags in the car Keigo got a call from work saying that they needed him.

 "Sorry baby bird work call's." Before he left he gave you a sweet kiss and kissed your baby bump. "Don't be gone all night or I'm locking all of the door's." He just laugh and flew off to work. I got into the car and thought about what I should eat, I wasn't in the mood to cook if it was just gonna be me so I went to a small little restraint that I go to every once and a while for there spicy noodles. First I went home and put all of the groceries away and got dressed into something more comfy. The restraint wasn't far from where we lived so I walked over there plus it was good to just go out every once and a while.

Everything was going fine till I was a familiar group, there was one person who caught my eye's and that was only because he was yelling, his back was facing me so I walked up to them. "Bakugo I don't think you should be yelling in a restraint where people are trying to enjoy there food." I said as I hit the back of his head. "The Fuck you say yo-" Kirishima covered his mouth before he could say anything else. "Ms.l/n what bring's you here?"

"I could be asking you the same thing, I'm a regular customer here, look see." I said as I pointed at a multiple picture of myself some before I ever got pregnant and some where you cans see how big my baby bump gotten, sort of like watching those transformation video's. "Oh wow, that's so cool. Well were here cause Baku-bro here wanted to try there spicy noodle challenge, loser's has to pay for the meal." Now that peaked my interest, one because that is exactly why I was here in the first place and secondly because it sounded fun.

Also if Bakugo lost I could make him pay for my food. "Cool do you mind of I join, and will make this a little more interesting." I said as I sat down with them and we made it into a game of how many bowl's we could eat the winner not only gets a free meal but we each owe them something. "Don't disappoint me Bakugo." I said as the waiter set down our first bowl of the spicy noodle along with cup of water. 

Bakugo didn't say anything but smirked at me and took the first bit of the noodles. I watch as the other boys took there first bit and some of them instantly grab the water some of them keep going. So I ate my bowl of noodles as well. Some time passed and me and Bakugo were on our 4th bowl and I was getting full, everyone else only had about one or two bowl's. 

"Alright Bakugo you can take the win this time but just know that I'm only backing down because I'm pregnant." "What kind of lame ass excuse is that, just admit it you pig its to hot for you!" I wasn't gonna argue with him and headed towards that bathroom. "I wonder how much spicy food I can take pregnant?" Once I finished I could see that they were all distracted so I went ahead and payed for all of our food. 

Well It was under Keigo's credit card so I didn't really pay for it. Once I finished I walked back to our table. "Alright you guy's I got to go before I'm supposed to be watching Eri for tonight for Aizawa, see ya." "Bye!"

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