Chapter 16: LOV

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I guess what I said pissed him off because he started scratching his neck. "Toga who is this." "This is y/n she's Hawk's baby mamma." She pulled me to sit on one of the stool's next to her and chap guy while Keigo was sitting on the couch talking to Dabi. "Hey don't do that." I garbed his hand away from his neck because his neck was starting to bleed, and his eye's widen for a second. "Why aren't you decaying?" He pulled his hand away from mine, Toga was also surprised as well. "It's a part of one of my quirk's it activates on it's own when ever I get hurt and start's healing me. Now hold still  so I can fix your neck."

Surprisingly he did as he was told as I used my quirk to heal his neck, once it was fully healed I started getting a craving for something sweet so I turned my attention to the mist guy who was cleaning a glass cup. "Do you guy's have anything to drain besides alcohol?" Then Toga spoke up. "We also have milkshake's if you want one, y/n." "That sound's so good right about now." I turn my attention back to the mist guy. "Can I please have a milkshake." "Of course." And I watched as he made the milkshake. "Hey y/n can I ask why your not scared of us?" Toga asked while she was playing with a knife. This caught Keigo's and Dabi's attention as well as chap guy. 

"Well if I'm being completely honest it's because I've killed four people two were my adopted parent's and one was studying in Paris and he wouldn't take no for an answer." "You are my new bestie." Toga wouldn't stop talking about how we were now best friend's. "Hold up you've killed baby bird." Mist guy handed me my milkshake and I took a sip. "I just said that I did didn't I, I only killed them because my parent's were abusive and tried to sell me to some old guy so I used dark angel and imagine them burning up to ash's and that's how I discovered dark angel. And for the guy in Paris well I went to a Halloween party and well he wouldn't leave me alone so I eventually followed him back to his hotel room and well killed him, simple as that."

"How come you never told me about this?" I gave him a dead ass look. "One because your a hero, second is because you've never asked, plus you wont find it if you look it up." I continued to drank my milkshake and soon more of the league of villain's came in and I learned everyone's name. Including crusty guy. After a little while Toga dragged me to her room and started dressing up and made me were some as well. "Toga this isn't gonna fit." "How do you know if you don't try it on." I continued to look at the school girl outfit that Toga wanted me to put on. "Well for starter's I have a bigger chest than you and also because of my belly bump." "Fine stay here I'll go get something else." Toga left the room and I looked around her room, I found a secret stash of blood bag's under her bed. "Yup perfectly normal."

Soon Toga came running back in with more clothes and told me to try on each and every single one. Once I found one that I actually liked witch was a plane black hoodie and a pair of baggy pant's that I borrowed from Toga, we went back out and Dabi, Keigo and Shigaraki playing Mario kart. " Kurogiri can I get another one of those milkshakes please." While Kurogiri made the milkshake I continued to clean one of the cup's that he was cleaning. Once he finished making the milkshake I thanked him and sat with Keigo on the couch, so far Dabi was in 5th place, Keigo was in 3rd, and Shigaraki was dead last. And Shigaraki was yelling at Keigo and Dabi saying that he will kick that ass in the next round.

"Baby bird who's hoodie are you wearing?" "I think it's Toga's." Toga came and hugged me from behind and smiled. "Nope that's Shigaraki's, I stole it from his room because none of my stuff would fit you." This pissed off Shigaraki. "WHAT, I TOLD YOU TO STAY OUT OF MY ROOM TOGA!!!" I watched as everything unfold as I sip my milkshake. "This is nice I should come here more often." This make Keigo looked at me like I was crazy and Toga started jumping up and down like a little child. 

"Y/n we should have a sleepover, we can stay up late and play and-" She continued to say a bunch of stuff that we could do. "Sure sound's fun, but I'll have to leave early for work so we can't stay up to late." And with that Kurogiri made a warp after I told him my address and me and Toga went through it to be standing in the middle of my kitchen. I went to my room and Toga followed behind me. 

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