Chapter 7: Eri

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The next day I had gotten dressed and decided to invite Aizawa and Eri over for dinner today since Keigo didn't have to work today, so I sent a text to Aizawa asking him if he wanted to join us for dinner.

Aizawa: Ya sure ill come over once I'm done with work.

Y/N: Ya sure that works, also If you want I can take care of Eri for you.

Aizawa: Ya sure, is it okay if I drop her off  in 15 min?

Y/N: Ya that works for me. I can also teach her how to cook too.╰(*°▽°*)╯

And with that I went and cleaned the kitchen just a little bit. While cleaning the kitchen I figured that I need to go to the store and get some more groceries and I also need to figure out what to make for lunch for Eri. Soon I heard a knock at my door so I went over and opened the door there I saw Aizawa and Eri, and I smiled at them. "Hi Eri, you look cute today are you ready to have fun today?" She ran over to me and hugged me and Aizawa said his goodbyes and left for work. "So what are we gonna do today?" "Well later today I need to go to the store and get some groceries so that we can make dinner, and lets see what else do you wanna go to the park?" Just then Keigo came in and poor Eri was so confused to why he was here.

 "Mourning Baby bird, what's going on in here?" I then walked into the kitchen with Eri following me closely behind me. "This is Eri and I'm taking care of her for Aizawa also I invited them for dinner so you better show up." I then pulled out the bacon, eggs and has browns. "Eri did you eat breakfast yet?" "No I haven't ate yet." Note to self kill Aizawa later for not feeding Eri. "Okay Ill make you some food why don't you go play with Keigo for a little bit." With that Keigo swooped Eri off of her feet and started to fly with her around the house.

"Foods ready come and eat!" Keigo was still flying with Eri around the house and he set her down on the chair so that she could eat. "This is so good, thank you Y/N." This made me smile a bit and I started to wonder if this is how our family is gonna be like, this made me cry a little bit. "Oh now Y/N why are you crying." I wiped the tears off of my eyes. "Oh nothing sweetheart its just I'm really emotional." I looked up at Keigo and he was smiling at me and then he looked at Eri. "Why are you so emotional?" Keigo took the liberty of telling her scene I was still crying a bit. "Well that's because she's pregnant" Eri looked so surprised at the news, god she was so cute, I wanna take her away from Aizawa.

Once we were done eating and I had finished cleaning up, me and Eri went to the store. "Is there anything you like to eat Eri?" "I love candy apples, but I don't think that's a food." We walked around the store and we only had a couple of thing in the shopping cart. Me and Eri decided that we would have curry for dinner and I only needed a couple of things to make it, after that we checked out. On our way back to the car I wondered if there was anything that she wanted to do before we went back home. "Is there anywhere you want to go before we go back home?" She thought for a little bit while I was putting the groceries away in the car, it wasn't until we were getting ready to leave that she spoke again. "Do you think we can visit Aizawa he has his lunch brake soon and I want to see Deku too." "Sure lets go back home first so that we can put the food away first, okay." She nodded and we drove back home.

Before we left to go visit Aizawa I made sure that Eri had ate her lunch and told Keigo to clean up the house a little bit. "Okay I'm done eating can we go now please?" I gave her a quick smile and had made sure that I had everything. "Yup lets go." And then we left it was a short drive to get there the school wasn't really far in fact if we wanted to we could of just walked here... Okay I might not of thought this through, we cant get in, fuck there security, I was also pissed and my wings turn black, I could use fallen angel and just destroy there security but I'm not a fucking villain. "Okay Eri I'm gonna grab you and make sure you hold on tight." and with that I picked her up and flew over the security trying to be careful not to accidently destroy the security because my wings were still black so that told me that I was using fallen angel and I also had to make sure that people didn't think that I was in intruder, plus I don't want the school alarm's to go on.

Once we successfully had gotten to the other side without setting off the alarm's we went inside of the building, and I was able to turn my wings back to there normal beautiful white color. Turns out that class has just ended and everyone was on there way to lunch, so we went inside of the 1-A class room and saw Aizawa asleep in his yellow sleeping bag, there were also a couple of students inside and Eri went to go talk to them while I used one of my feathers to tickle Aizawa's nose, that didn't work so I went through my bag and drew a cat whiskers and nose on him. This had gotten some of the students attention and they joined in as well. I was so dead when he wakes up. 

I had gotten to know some of the students (I'm glad that they don't recognize me.) and I also got to meet the people who Eri told me who saved her. "Oh look Eri, Aizawa's waking up." I tried to hold in my laugh as so did Karishima, Mina, and Denki who helped me earlier. "What are you and Eri doing here?" Aizawa asked rubbing his eyes and I tried not to laugh at the fact that he was also acting like a cat. "Eri wanted to visit you and I tried waking you up but you didn't budge." God everything was going so perfect.

 "How did you get in?" He stood up and took off the sleeping bag. "We flew over." He was now glaring at me and some of the students were a little shocked.  "How did you get pass the security?" Izuki asked." Well you see there I might or might not of used my quirk to make the security not notice us." I said rubbing the back of my neck, and then the bell rang. "Well looks like I need to leave so..." "Not so fast Y/N" Fuck.

I got punished for using my quirk and for "braking an entry." My punishment was that class 1-A had to fight me and I had to use my quirk, supposedly it was to help them think fast or something like that, I don't know but what I do know was that Aizawa was gonna come over for dinner and he might tell Keigo and that he was gonna tell me that I shouldn't of done that but that was my least concerned, I was mostly concerned about me being pregnant and the fact that I had to fight students.


Also my dumb ass didn't tell Aizawa that I was pregnant, so here we go. Also lucky me they had and outfit that I could put on. (I'm a small bitch.(┬┬﹏┬┬)) The outfit wasn't so bad but I added a couple of other thing so that I could move more comfortably in it and to be flexible as well. Also because I study fashion when I say that I added a couple of thing I mean I changed the whole fucking thing like it was my hero costume, like the outfit would change to when I used either of my quirk. I was having way to much fun with this.

Angel's wing's:

Angel's wing's:

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Fallen angel:


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Thank you for reading I made this chapter a little longer because I was supposed to post this a while ago and had completely forgotten so I added a bit more to it.

hope you enjoyed it .

(Words 1519)

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