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Rainbow Dash P.O.V

Remember where me and Sunset Shimmer are talking about the thing that I was hiding from Aj for so long. (Book 1: Love Between Lies) Well, it's from Princess Twilight Sparkle, I asked her to do me a really important favor and surprisingly she agrees with me. The problem is- I don't know if it'll work, I don't doubt the ponies powers, it's just.... they are ponies. But what Princes Twilight age to me is a small liquid magic bottle where you can put it to the hot beverages, since Aj always had it every morning I'm always having second thought of whether I'll put it or not. Princess Twilight didn't tell me if this thing have side effects to it. I'm nervous and kinda excited. I'M NERVOUXITED? Dang it Pinkie Pie!


Monday. And I'll be honest I don't hate it, because this is where me and Aj have the same class together, which is P.e. Yes, she sometimes beats me and this makes me embarrassed infront of the crowd, but who cares? YES- I DO. B-but that doesn't mean I hate her or something... but yeah, I kinda do. When she beats me.... In front of the crowd... where every one gasped and got speechless... and in the end Aj gets to have those cheers.

Eh. Whatever. Aj is the only person who can beat me, and lucky for me, she'll be my wife soon. HA! SUCKER.

"Love. You ready?" I turn to look up to my beautiful fiancée. Turns out I was having thoughts of her beating me. Again...

"Huh? Uh, yeah- Wait. Ready for what?" I questioned as I look at her confused.

She giggled. "For me to beat you?"

I scoffed. "Yeah right."

So it's the best part where we get to have our P.e. Earlier, coach explained to us every rules and now we are playing volleyball. Yes, one of my favourite sport.


Time passed and it's time for us to go home. Me and Applejack are craving for some donut, ugh, It felt like years since I had to have those beautiful little and delicious donuts. Speaking of little... maybe I'll get to put the thing to Applejack's coffee together with our donut, she won't notice it. I thought as I bit my bottom lip thinking that it might have side effect.
I gasped as I heard a loud horn behind us, it turns out that the light is green so I just rolled my eyes and drive.

Applejack notice my behavior, she leans her hand to my legs and said. "You alright, Love?" I turn to her and smile, I nodded as I turn to face the road again. "Yeah, you'd you ask?" Applejack sigh. "Nothin'. Ah got this feeling that something is bothering you. We both know that ah know when yer lyin' Rainbow. Is it because ah beat you at the game? Or is it because... you're hiding something from me?" She raise her eyebrow at me. I scoffed. "It's not because you beat me, and definitely not hiding something-" She turn to me with a smile- It means she knows. I quickly turn to look at the place where our favorite donut is. "Oh, finally! We're here!" I snapped, I heard Applejack gasped, and before I even Park the car, she quickly hop out and run to the entrance.


Finally home. Even though we stayed home for it feels like eternity because of the quarantine, I love to stay home with Applejack for more than that. As we go straight to the living room, I make volunteer to make some coffee for the both of us and went to the kitchen. I sigh and took the small liquid bottle in my pocket, the water boiled as I pour the hot water to our cups, mix it with coffee and sugar; and pour all the liquid thing to Applejack's coffee. I breathe deeply hoping this thing work.

No, I will not poison my lover, just... something that me and Aj want to take care forever.

I walk to the living room and Aj is eating donut. I gasped when I saw what she was eating, I approach her and put our coffee down to our small table. "Don't tell me you are eating my Vanilla donut!" Aj looked guilty, she smile like an innocent child and giggles. "Sorry?" she apologized. I grab my coffee and sat beside her. "Fine, but you have to give me your chocolate sprinkles." She smile and nodded. "Deal." She said and grab her coffee and take a sip on it. "This is it, I hope it works." I thought as I watch her drinking her coffee.


There moon is up so it's time for me and Aj to make love tonight. My favorite.

"Love, have you seen my underwear? Ah can't find it anywhere." I lay on our bed only wearing robe and smirked. "What do you need that for? I'm just gonna take it off and eat what's covering it, though." Applejack turned to me and blushes. "Pervert." She stick her tongue out at me and face her drawer still looking for it. I chuckled. "Just wear nothing Aj, it's night time anyways." "Ah know, but ah won't be needing it today, Ah'll be needing it tomorrow." I sat up. "Oh, I think I put it in my drawer. Look for it tomorrow will ya?" Applejack turn to me, yes, she is wearing nothing just her towel covering up the front of her body.

She looked at me with fierce and let go of her towel as I drool all over her perfectly shaped naked body. She walk towards me slowly didn't notice that she was right in front of me holding my chin. "My eyes are up here." I look into her emerald eyes as she kissed me hungrily. I kiss her back and we both lay down kissing each other hungrily. We make love for an hour as we breathe for air because of the love we share.

Thinking about making love, I hope that thing will work.

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