Something's Wrong With Me

527 20 16

Applejack P.O.V

It's been four days since I had been feeling dizzy and sleepy all the time. What is happening? Maybe because I had to have food poisoning? Also, I had happen to know that yesterday is where my period starts that's why Rainbow and me didn't make love tonight. I didn't told Rainbow Dash about this because she might freak out. So I scheduled myself to the doctor without my lover knowing. Think positive, can't this me? I gasped, no, of course not, It's Impossible.

Saturday is where Rainbow Dash is going out with her friends, so it's the best time for me to go to the doctor.

"Love, I'll go now, I'll come back later before dinner, okay?" She called out for me while I'm on the living room watching 'Trese' on Netflix and eating popcorn. "Okay! Oh, and please buy wine!" I shouted back. "Okay!" She replied and I heard the door closed.

I turn to face the t.v screen and continue watching Trese. Not gonna lie, I like this series. As I was about to swallow the popcorn in to my mouth, I feel something in my stomach, I rush to the bathroom making the popcorn fall off the ground and gagged on the toilet and burst out all the popcorn I just ate. What is happening? I love popcorn. I thought as I continue to let it all out.

After I finished I flush it and stand up, trembling, I feel like my whole world is spinning. I walk to where my phone is and call my doctor. "Can we please meet today?" The doctor agrees. "Ah'll be there in 5 minutes." I end the call feeling weak. Maybe because I ate too much? I can't tell.


I drove to where my doctor is and park the car, I went inside and to my surprise I was the only one there, it means this will be done in no time. I thought. The doctor greet me, gently makes me sit down, he's so nice, and runs some test at me.

10 minutes of waiting and it feels like forever, I'm sweating and my heart is beating so fast, hoping and praying that it is nothing seriously.

The doctor called me and he is smiling, why is he smiling? Doesn't he know I'm struggling right now? Is he making fun of me?
"Miss, I know now why are you struggling like that." He said. "Oh my... did he just read my mind. Is he psychic?" I thought looking at him confused.

"You're pregnant." he said as I sigh in relief. "Oh God, Ah thought it's something serio—" My eyes went wide in surprise . "AH'M WHAT?!" I yelled.

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