Baby Applejack

340 11 3

Third Person P.O.V

When Fluttershy got into the couple's house, she happen to bring her squickly toy and give it to the pregnant woman. "Feel any better?" Applejack nod and sniffled. The Fluttershy and Applejack are in the living while Rainbow Dash is in the kitchen making soup for her lover since she asked for it. "Can Ah have this?" The cowgirl asked in sweet tone to her friend Fluttershy. The shy gal nodded and smiled. "Here is your mushroom soup with chicken and bread with it." Rainbow Dash serve it with tray to her lover with a cider beside the bowl of soup." As the athlete was about to put the tray down, Applejack snapped. "What is this?!" She asked Rainbow Dash. "Uh... Cider?" "What? Ah don't want this! Ah want Ice cream with mustard." She said with grinned teeth. "A what?" The poor rainbow haired gal was so confused and imagining what does it taste like. "Ah said-" "We'll get it for you." Fluttershy interrupt as she stand and took the cider. "You eat there peacefully as we get you ice cream okay?" Flutershy added and smile. The cowgirl nodded and rest the tray to her lap and start to eat. The shy girl then dragged the athlete into the kitchen and sigh. "Rainbow, I think we should call Princess Twilight." Rainbow Dash got confused. "Why?" She asked. "ICE CREAM!" Fluttershy squilled. "But first, we have to give her the ice cream.... with mustard."

"Twilight!" Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy greet the princess on the magic pen that she give to Rainbow Dash incase of the emergency because of the baby.
"Oh, hey Rainbow Dash, oh, is that Fluttershy?" The princess asked.
"Yes, Twilight it's me." The shy gal chuckled.
"Great! How are yo-"
"Okay cut the greetings for now guys. I want to know what is happening to Applejack."
"Oh right," Fluttershy remembered.
"What do you mean?" Twilight asked.
"Her stomach is getting bigger day by day and her attitude is becoming like a 9 year old child." Rainbow Dash said in panik.
"I told you Rainbow Dash, the side effect of the posion is different, it is something just like how us ponies are born and the different side effect is something that the baby is going to be or different. I told you that before and you are not listening!"
"You did?" The athlete blink twice not recalling on what did just the princess said.
Twiligh sigh, "Applejack's homones might be different from what she is now, you might wanna pay attention to her more often. Because this is also new to me. But since you are craving to have your own family I give that chance to you." She continued. "I did my research and the baby inside the mother last 9 months, but here in our world, only 4 months.

"What?" Both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash gasped.

"Be careful, Rainbow. I will visit there when the baby is ready to come out." Twilight said with a sigh, "I better go now, Rainbow Dash in this world is also giving me headache on how to take care of her babies."
"Rainbow Pony Dash has a babies?" Fluttershy exclaimed."
Princess Twilight nod. "I'll tell you all soon when I get back there. Bye."

Rainbow Dash ended the call, she then turn to Fluttershy who is squealing. "Who is the father?" the shy girl asked the rainbow headed gal. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and walk to the refrigerator to get the cowgirl an ice cream with mustard. yuck.


Time past, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy was so tired of taking care of Applejack the whole day because of her hormones and because she is also acting like a child. Fluttershy enjoyed taking care of her friend, while Rainbow Dash was exhausted. They let Applejack fall asleep onto their bed then they slowly walks to the door and shut their room door closed and sigh in relief. 

"I deserve this." Rainbow Dash said feeling tired. Fluttershy giggled. "Oh, Rainbow Dash. This is just the begging of you becoming a mom. Wait till the baby comes out and you will never know what the word sleep means." "Awesome, then for now on I have to sleep 24/7." Fluttershy chuckled and they both walk downstairs. "What? More rest, more energy." 

Rainbow Dash walk Fluttershy through their door. "Thank you so much, Fluttershy. I didn't know how you did all of that and I'm so grateful that you came." Rainbow Dash give her friend a hug and pulled away. "I couldn't have done it without you." Rainbow Dash smiled. "Aww, It's Okay Rainbow, I enjoyed taking care of your baby instead of you." Fluttershy joked. Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Don't worry, if the baby gets out, you will be the one who's gonna baby sit it." Fluttershy eyes went wide. "You mean it?" The athlete nodded. The shy gal squealed. 

Rainbow Dash wave goodbye to her friend as the shy girls drove off. The exhausted athlete then went inside their house and lock the door. But then she heard something to the kitchen. "Hello?" She slowly walks towards the kitchen nervously and look for something to defend herself. And when she got there, her heartbeats get back to normal and almost laugh her lung out when she saw Applejack is eating the pie that Fluttershy made.

"Oh baby." Rainbow Dash chuckled. "What?!" Applejack said angrily with pie in her mouth. Rainbow Dash smiled as she walk towards to the pregnant woman and wipe the pie on her cheeks. "I love you." Rainbow Dash whispered. Applejack look at her lover with sparks in her eyes, she then swallow the pie and start to tear up. The athlete was curious and didn't know what to do, again. "Wh-why are you crying?" The pregnant woman wipe her tears and sob. "Ah look fat." She sniffles while holding her baby bump. Rainbow Dash look at her baby bump and kiss her lover on her forehead. "You are becoming a mother, Love. And you are not fat, you are eating because you are also feeding the baby." Applejack look at her lover. "You think so?" Rainbow Dash nodded and hold her lover's cheeks. "And I love you, Applejack. Even if we have our baby, you will be my first priority, always." Applejack's eyes run down to her cheeks as Rainbow Dash wipes it. "Eat whenever you want, and from now on I will be the one who'll cook for you." "B-But you don't know how to cook." Applejack sniffles. "We have Youtube." Applejack chuckled. Rainbow Dash smiled and hug her lover. "We are going to be a family." She whispred. Applejack hug her lover back and nodded. "And Ah love you too."

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