Chapter 13 - Thump

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Chapter 13


I walked into my party with Nicky on my hip. As we made our way towards the stage, people shot me 'Happy Birthdays' etc.

"Thank y'all for coming. I appreciate you for celebrating my 24th birthday with me and I hope y'all have a great time. Have fun!"

I came off the stage to see Nicky chuckling.

"What are you giggling about?" I asked her laughing.

"Your way with words. You, my friend, are not a public speaker"

"I thought I did pretty good" I seriously thought I did.

"You said like 10 words!" she laughed.

"Well there wasn't much to say and anyway it's not like you could have done better!" I retorted.

"Psh, do you not remember my speech at The Rhymer party?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that dead-ass monologue!" she hit my shoulder and I hit her back. She had a mean punch.

"Come on, let's dance" I said pulling her towards the dance floor.

"I'm alright, Superstar. I don't really dance"

"You gon' leave me hanging? It's my birthday and my girlfriend doesn't wanna dance with me? That hurts, man. That really hurts" I clutched the left side of my chest to make it seem like my heart was breaking.

"Okay! But go easy on the moves I'm nowhere near world class"

Countdown (song suggested by Silesia) came on and everyone was just bumpin.

"This was my summer track!" Nicky shouted as she began to get into the song.

"Oooo look at Nicky getting it!" I said laughing.

"Oh hush!"

At that moment a mixed-race looking guy came towards us.

"Hello Nicky. Happy birthday Prodigy".

"Thanks..." I knew this guy from somewhere but I wasn't sure where from.

There was an awkward silence as Nicky silently glared at him. If looks could kill, he'd be lying in a casket.

"So how are you fake lovers on this delightful evening?"

(Nicky/Nicks) (The next day)

I groaned as I woke up to yet, another news update on last night's events. sat up in bed replaying what had happened.


Lucas made his way towards us. What was he doing here?

"Hello Nicky. Happy birthday Prodigy".

"Thanks..." Prod said a bit unsure of himself.

There was an awkward silence as I silently glared at him. If looks could kill, he'd be lying in a casket.

"So how are you fake lovers on this delightful evening?"

"Excuse me?" Prodigy asked squinting.

"Oh don't play dumb. Nicky told me all about it!" he laughed. Prodigy turned to look at me. All you could see in my eyes was pure hate and anger.

"Of course I didn't and anyway, that is far from true" I said in a monotonous voice.

"Oh but it is!" Lucas said with another cackle.

"Lucas, leave." I said this so sternly, I swear, I was about to beat his arse.

"Look man, you might as well just leave before I get security on your ass" you could tell Lucas was beginning to get on Prodigy's nerves.

"Leave? I'm just getting started!" he came closer standing face to face with Prod.

"So what made you decide to go for Nicky, huh? She's a b*tch so it must have been her fat arse"

My baby is a 10.

"I mean come on! She is no beauty. Joan Rivers looks better than her!"

We dressing to the 9.

He pick me up at 8.

"That didn't stop you from going after her though did it?" Blyss stepped in. Why Blyss? Why?

"Nicks, you went with this guy?!" Prod turned to ask me.

"Yes, we went out but it was only to get what I wanted: media links" Lucas answered. He said this so freely.

Make me feel so lucky 7.

"You are one jackass" Prod said.

"Don't act like you're a saint. We all know you're only with her because you want some face time in the media"

He kiss me in his 6.

"You do not know what you're talking about!" Prod shouted.

"Oh but I do! You're gonna charm her, make your way into her pants, get what you want and then leave!

We be making love at 5.

Still the one I do this 4.

"Shut the f*ck up!" Prodigy said. He clenched his fists tighly.

I'm tryna make a 3.

"Oh yeah! Tonight would be the perfect! You know, the whole birthday sex thing - f*ck her hard Prodigy!"

From that 2.

"But always remember Nicky, he will never be able to hit it like I did. You were soo tight - 'Oh Lucas!' You loved to scream my name didn't you?"

He still the 1.



He punched him. Prodigy punched Lucas. I literally had to haul Prod off of Lucas. I remember Lucas screaming:

"My face! My face! My beautiful face!"

His "beautiful" face was no longer beautiful. It was quite messed up actually. Unfortunately, the paparazzi were there to catch every moment of Prodigy's outburst causing every media website and programme to go ham.

"Prodigy lashes out!" I heard Giuliana say.

I turned off the TV and made my way to the bathroom.

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