Chapter 28 - Bestfriend Synchronicity

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Chapter 28


"Ugh I can't believe I said that to her! I'm such an idiot!" I wailed down the phone to Prince. Over the past few weeks Prince and I had developed some sort of friendship that I really liked.

"People say things they don't mean, Blyss. From what I know, you guys are the best of friends and you have been for a long time. I'm pretty sure you've said worse things to each other in the past and you still managed to get over them so you'll get over this" he comforted.

"But that's the thing. This is the worst thing I've ever said to her so it's unlikely that she will build a bridge and get over it in the space of a week" I sighed.

"Blyss, Nicky loves you like a sister; she can't stay mad at you for too long. Don't let this get you down! Try and concentrate on making sure this is the best birthday she's ever had!"

"You always know the right things to say, Prince and I love you for that" I giggled.

"Well, what can I say? I have that effect on women" he spoke with so much confidence.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. We'll talk later, big head"

"Bye, b*tch"

I laughed at the fact we always bid farewell to each other using an insult. This was one of the reasons why I loved him: he was so easy going.

I swivelled in my chair to face my computer and began scouring the web looking for the perfect venue for this party.

"Think, Blyss, think" I muttered to myself. Somewhere 'classy and nostalgic' was the kind of venue I was looking for.

Bingo: The Sunset Pavilion. It was perfect. It was where the Rhymer party took place resulting in Nicky and Prod going on their first 'date'. She'd love me forever.


"I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was around. We were here for a lay over that only lasted a few hours and I knew you'd be tired from all the work you had so I didn't want to disturb you" he pleaded.

"Fair enough but why did you go to see Blyss?" I asked bluntly.

He stiffened and ran his hand through his hair: he was nervous. My Mac emitted no sound as he stayed quiet on my screen. If we weren't facetiming and we were face to face, I would have physically shaken the answer out of him.

"Why did you go to see Blyss?" I asked again. I was growing impatient. I just wanted a straight answer. There was no need for him to beat around the bush. He cleared his throat and answered.

"To ask her what she thought about this gift I had in mind for you"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, why would I lie about that?" I could sense the aggravation in his voice.

"Well, two seconds ago you were running your hand through your hair indicating you were nervous plus, you didn't even tell me you were in the country so it's very possible that you are lying" I reasoned.

"You've got to be kidding me" he threw his hands in the air and rolled his eyes.

"I'm being serious" I said.

He stared at me long and hard in dead silence. I decided to break it.

"Do you love me, Craig?" I asked.

He furrowed his brows.

"Do you remember that conversation we had about trust, Nicky? You said that you trusted me and the fact that I loved you so why are you asking me this question?" He raised his eyebrows.

He had a very valid point and so did Blyss. I was being overly paranoid for no absolute reason. My 'paranoia' had probably been brought on from all the stress over the past few weeks. I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

"Look, Craig, I'm sorry I asked. I'm just in a bit of a weird place right now. I'm not really at my best and I haven't been for the past few weeks or so"

"It's alright, love" his voice softened. "I understand that you've got a lot on your plate but you have to power on through and not let the stress get to you, okay? I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was here but I was strapped for time and I didn't do it to hurt you"

I heard Walter's voice in the background.

"Love, I have to go. I love you and will speak to you later"

We bid farewell and I finally realised that I needed to talk to Blyss.


"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey, Nicky. Look, I'm sorry"

"No, I'm sorry" she replied.

We both fell silent for a few seconds before bursting out into a fit of laughter.

"What the hell?! It's been almost a week and we haven't spoken!" I could sense the laughter in her voice.

"I know! That's mad crazy. Almost as crazy as the fact you and I had an argument" I said.

"Yeah. Blyss, I'm sorry I went ham on your arse. My workload over the past few weeks has been immense and I kind of just took my anger out on you"

"No, no. You're not the only one to blame. I shouldn't have said those things to you. They were hurtful, unnecessary and pretty damn stupid. You and I both know that Prod loves you and that I was just chatting sh*t" I laughed.

"You always chat sh*t, B, so this isn't anything new" she said.

"B*tch, you better watch your mouth before I call off the big arse party I have planned for you!" I'd just realised I'd let the secret slip. Prod was going to hate me.

"So that's why he cane to see you! I knew you weren't gonna just take me out to dinner for my birthday, I knew it! Blyss Shaye Dummont, for all the years I've known you, you have never done anything on a small scale" I laughed. Nicky knew me too well.

"You know, I was literally just about to press 'call' when your ugly face flashed across my phone screen" she stated.

"Ah, Bestfriend Synchronicty - it's been happening to us for years!" I gushed.

"Ain't that the truth. Blyss, I've still got a truckload of things to do and deadlines to meet so how about we catch up over lunch tomorrow?"

"Yeah, that's fine. I still have to finalise some things so we'll talk later"

"Cool beans, B. See you tomorrow"

"Bye, bestie" I said.

"Ew, that sounded cheesy as f*ck!" Nicky laughed.

"What can I say? I'm a cheesy n*gga"


I've been gone for a while and I'm not even sure why, tbh. This chapter was done weeks ago but I've only just uploaded and I'm soo sorry. I know it's been a little bit slow but best believe the story is coming to an end. So bare with, we'll find out how it ends soon.

Keep on reading and loving (and voting, commenting, and sharing!)


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