Epilogue B

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"Let's get this show in the road, people" Blyss clasped her hands together ready to get down to business.

"We're gonna need towels, pillows, midwives, doctors-" she paced up and down the room but was cut off by Prince.

"Blyss, I don't think you can plan the actual birth of a child" Prince laughed.

"The birth of a child is an event and most events can be planned" she said as if she was actually talking sense.

I lay in a bed in Chelsea Westminster hospital awaiting the arrival of the twins. Prince and Blyss bickered whilst Craig sat by my side holding my hand in excitement.

"Can you believe this is actually happening?" anticipation evident in his eyes.

"No, I didn't expect to be giving birth to twins a year after the brith of our first child" I stated.

"Hey, the more Crippen-Brookeses there are, the better" he laughed attempting to lighten the mood.

It was 20th June 2015 and we were doing it all over again. New babies meant more responsibility, more love to give and unfortunately, more media attention.

"Ugh, this is all your fault! It's your fault that I'm fat, it's your fault that I feel sick, it's your fault that I've been in pain for the last 24 hours and it's your fault I feel as if my womb is being pulled from my body!" I moaned at Craig.

"My fault? Nobody told you to be ready and fertile when we made love!" he broke out into a hearty cackle but stopped abruptly when I hit his shoulder.

"Just because I'm pregnant does not mean I can't hit you" I smirked.

Suddenly, Re and Jay burst into the hospital room.

"Are we late? Are the twins here yet?!" Re asked out of breath.

"Does it look like she's given birth?" Jay gestured to my stomach.

"Why are you guys so late anyway? I've been in labour for almost a day and I called you as soon as it happened. You live like 5 minutes away - what took you so long?"

"Nicks, we do have lives, you know" Re informed me as if I didn't know.

"Is it? Madting." I said in bland response to her comment.

"Ew, no one say's that anymore. It's like 2 years old" Jay scoffed.

Before I could reply to her comment with the same amount of smart arse-ness she spoke to me with, Doctor Holmes came into my room instructing everyone, but Craig, to get out as the time had come for me to give birth.


16 hours. It took 16 hours for them to come out. For some stupid reason, I chose to give birth naturally. Dr. Holmes said they could be taken out via C - Section but I refused. Whilst I was in pain, giving it my all, Craig stood by feeding me words of encouragement; trying his upmost best to keep me motivated.

Though I appreciated it, his motivation was not needed - why? Because when two human beings were trying to force their way out of my body, I didn't require much encouragement or persuasion to push them out.

"One more big push, Nicky and we're done" Dr. Holmes said through her scrubs.

The sound of crying rang through my ears which reassured me that my babies were happy and healthy.

"What do they look like?" I asked Craig whilst panting for breath.

"They look as beautiful as their mother" he gave me a warm smile and planted a soft kiss on my hand.

"Do you want to see them?" Dr. Holmes asked.

"Of course!" I said with as much enthusiasm as I possibly could.

"I give you your gorgeous baby boy and baby girl"

I nestled the two in my arms. My eyes welled up as I realised that Craig and I had just bought two more wonderful children into the world that we would have to love unconditionally. Craig stood over me admiring our creation and thanking The Lord that all went well.

"What are we gonna call them?" I asked.

"I don't know about you but this little girl looks like fiery one to me. She's going to need a good name like: Kacey" Craig suggested. He was right. Though barely a few minutes old, she'd began to kick and fuss in my arms.

"Yeah, I like that. And what about Kain for the little boy? It's associated with bravery which I think he must have considering he shared my womb with her plus I've always liked that name" I mused.

"Then it's settled. The latest additions to the Crippen family shall be named Kain and Kacey Crippen"

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