Chapter 17 - The Superbowl

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"Come on, Prod. Let's go!"

We were in New Orleans for the Super Bowl.

"Dang, Prince. I'm coming!"

Prod walked down the stairs wearing some really tight jeans with a fitted shirt and and a leather jacket. He had a pair of his custom shades on and you could tell he hadn't shaved in days.

"What's going on with this?" I pointed to his chin and cheeks.

"Ah, you know just something new to try out for the ladies" he smiled.

"Nicky won't like it" I said. His smile fell.

"Well, f*ck Nicky. I couldn't give a damn about what she thinks. Bottom line is, we're not together anymore. Plus, it was always supposed to end - it was the original plan" he said this casually whilst checking himself out in his hallway mirror.

"Cut the crap Pr- actually no, this is serious. So serious, Imma call you: Craig" he rolled his eyes.

"Listen, you need to stop this. You were very childish to flip out on her simply because she gave us a 'bad' review. We've received far worse through out our career - always remember that. I understand that it hurts even more because you love her but sometimes, after yourself, the ones you love are your worse critics"

He stood there still admiring himself in the mirror. What the actual f*ck?


I grabbed is shoulder and spun him round to face me.

"Stop being a dumbf*ck and act like a god damn man! Everyone's tired of seeing you act like the reckless man you aren't! We're worried you might do something stupid. Even Ray's worried - which proves something considering a few weeks ago, he was ready to drop your a*s in it"

His stern look faded. He took of his shades and rubbed his eyes.

"Prod, are you crying?" His eyes were glassy.

"No man, I'm just tryna get my head around what I've done. Dang! I need to talk to Nicky ASAP!"

"No sh*t."

His head hung low.

"We're about to ride out but before you do, I suggest you take 10 minutes to shave"


"Yeah you're looking a bit rough and since you've decided to go back to normal, you might as well shave, you know, to show the world you're fine"


He turned on his heel and took the stairs two steps at a time. As soon as I heard the bathroom door shut, I whipped out my phone and made a call.

"Hello?" A cheery voice picked up.

"Hey, it's me, Prince. I've talked him round. We sticking to the plan?"

"Yep, all weapons are go!" She giggled.

"Haha! Cool, well I'll see you soon Blyss"

"Bye Prince"

I hung up grinning to myself. The Super Bowl was the ultimate playing field for our plan to take place.



"Super Bowl XLVII! Isn't it so exciting?!" Blyss exclaimed.

"Blyss, do you even get American Football?"

"Yes actually, The BBC had an article called: 'American Football in a Nutshell' which is bound to be very helpful"

"Yeah, yeah whatever Blyss. Any way, how the hell did you manage to get time off to watch a game you don't understand in a foreign country?" I asked.

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