Chapter 30 - The 'B' Word

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Chapter 30


"No. Frickin'. Way." My jaw dropped.

"Yes, way"

"Nicole Celia Brookes, promise me, Blyss Shaye Dummont, that you are telling the truth" I begged.

"Blyss Shaye Dummont, my girl, my Bestfriend, my sister from another mister. I, Nicole 'Nicky B - The Critic' Celia Brookes, promise that I am telling the truth" she replied barely able to keep a straight face.

"Oh my god! I'm gonna be an aunty!" I screamed.

"Shut up! Nobody knows!" Nicky hushed me.

After practically being forced out of our favourite spot, Nicky and I made our way back to her office where she told me her big news: She was pregnant.

"Nobody?! Not even Craig? Not even your parents?!" I shout whispered.

"Nope" she popped the 'P'

"You two aren't even married yet so the supreme court's gonna be p*ssed" I warned.

"For some reason, I have a feeling that they're gonna be alright" she said quite confidently.

"When are you gonna tell them?" I asked.

"Tonight. I'm going over for dinner with Prod when he lands"

"How far gone are you?"

"2 months" she replied.

"That means it happened when you went to the Bahamas in May!" I beamed.

"Yup. On the first go..." She sighed.

"Are you alright, Nicky?" I asked concerned.

She placed her head in her hands and her shoulders began to shudder: she was crying. I hated to see Nicky cry because it made me want to cry. Seeing her upset over such big and joyful news just showed how important and emotional this really was. As her friend, I needed to console her.

"Don't cry, babe. It'll all be fine. Craig won't push you away. He won't hate you. If anything, he'll love you more!" I said putting an arm around her shoulder.

"We're still trying to find our footing though, Blyss. A baby might jeopardise our chances. Plus, I'm too young! I still have a tonne to do with The Rhymer and Craig is experiencing great success - it's not the right time!" She whimpered.

"Nicky, you and Craig will always be at the top of your game so there will never actually be a 'right time' but you have to think of this baby as a blessing and not a burden. Maybe this baby is God's way of telling you that you're meant to be together, Nicks. Maybe this baby is meant to make your bond stronger. Maybe this baby will be a true reflection of your love for each other. I advise you to accept it graciously and embrace this good news for this baby might be the best thing that will ever happen to you"


I decided to go ahead to my Parent's house without Craig so I could break the news to them. I had never felt so nervous in my entire life.

My mother, father and sisters sat with me in the living room whilst we all watched TV.

"Guys, I have an announcement to make"

My dad lowered the TV and all the members of my family turned their heads to look at me.

"I don't know how to say this but..." I stumbled over my words. I didn't want to tell them but I really wanted them to be happy for me. I took a deep breath and came out with the news.

"I'm pregnant"

Their eyes widened in disbelief. I couldn't read their faces. I didn't know if they were incredibly p*ssed or if they were overjoyed.

"I knew it!" My mother gushed.

"What?" I was befuddled.

"As soon as you walked through that door, I whispered to your father that I had a feeling you were pregnant. He asked me how I knew and I said you just held a different presence!" She beamed.

"Wait, so you're not mad?" I needed to be sure.

"No, Nicks. We're happy for you. We're glad you waited until now. Any earlier and I would have killed Craig!" My dad laughed.

"You guys are seriously 'okay' with this?" I double checked.

"Well, it would have been better if you got pregnant after you got married but it is still a blessing all the same" my mother got up from her seat and sat next to me. She pulled me into a warm embrace, the kind only a mother could give you, and planted a kiss on my forehead.

"We love you, Nicks and we know that you'll handle this with great responsibility. We'll be here every step of the way helping you and Craig in dealing with the pregnancy and raising this beautiful child" my dad ensured.

"It is Craig's, right?" Ree raised her brows.

"Of course it is!" I laughed.

"Does Craig know?" Jay asked.

"No..." I admitted.

"How have you kept this man in the dark, Nicky?!" My dad asked.

"I only found out two days ago. I'll tell him when he comes over a little later"

"You better. Because I will not hesitate to tell him myself" Jay said with sternness.

"Look at you. You must think you're big just because you're gonna be an aunty. Please, take a seat" I laughed as Jay pulled a face.

"Aunty Ree - It has a nice ring to it" Ree mused.


"Yeah, I'm having dinner over at her parent's again so I'm gonna ask them then. Even though she said 'no', I'm still gonna ask for their blessing" I said to Prince down the phone.

"That makes sense. It shows her family that you respect their values and that you're a true gentleman. Well, good luck, Craig. The boys and I will see you tomorrow at Nicky's party"

I hung up and sat back in my seat twiddling my thumbs, unsure about how I was going to ask Mr and Mrs Brookes for their oldest daughter's hand in marriage.


"Dinner was great, Mrs. Brookes" I praised.

John, Cheryl and I sat in the living room whilst Nicky and her sisters cleared up. I was glad we were alone because this was the perfect time to ask the question.

"Please, call me Cheryl" she grinned.

The room fell silent. We just sat there and sipped on our tea. Suddenly, my hand began to tremble as a large wave of nerves rushed over me. I had never been this nervous in my life! Not even when I auditioned for Mindless Behavior. I felt like a small boy again - A small boy who was unsure about what he was about to do but was willing to take a giant leap. My love for Nicky was so strong, I couldn't bear to hold it in any longer.

"Mr and Mrs Brookes, I was wondering if I could have your blessing in having the honour of your daughter's hand in marriage"


My ear was pressed against the door as I heard him ask for my parents' permission - he was such a sweet heart. The fact he still asked for my hand in marriage though I had said no made my love for him grow even more. I quickly stepped away from the door as I heard their footsteps coming towards me. I casually took a seat on the stairs and pulled out my phone to make it seem like I was just checking my e-mails. Craig came and peered over me flashing me a smile implying that he had received good news. Because he didn't know that I knew, I couldn't share his joy so I continued to check my mail and scream like a maniac from within.

"Why are you grinning?" I needed to play it cool.

"No reason" he replied whilst keeping his grin on his face.

Whilst he was in a state of joy, I figured it was best to tell him the news now. I put my phone away and proceeded to tell him what was going on.


"Yes, Love?" He answered.

"How would you feel if I told you I was Pregnant?"


Yo! This chapter was done the day I uploaded chapter 29 but, I wanted to finish the last one before I published this one - yup, that's right, this is the second to last chapter! If you're lucky, you might get the last one in a couple of days! ;)

Keep reading, voting, commenting and sharing!

Keep on loving


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