Chapter 15 - The End

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Chapter 15

Music Review 'Lean' Mindless Behavior (feat. Soulja Boy)

'Lean' is the first single to be released from Mindless Behavior's upcoming album and evidently, their first track without band member Ray Ray.

This track was long overdue as it was announced in October of 2012 and we finally got it on the 1st of January - a great way to bring in the New Year.

As you can imagine, #TeamMindless were expecting something pretty damn special as were the rest of the world. However, I must admit, I was taken aback by what I'd heard.

The ex-quartet reverted back to their old ways with an overhaul of auto-tune. This may have been done to accommodate the missing fourth voice. My initial thoughts were: "it's bound to get better, it's only the beginning" but these dreams were shattered as an ageing Soulja Boy eased his way onto the track ruining it completely for everyone. From this point onwards, I hoped that this song would be a "grower" but I was totally wrong.

The actual musicality of the track was not one of great quality which caused great disappointment.

As I listened to the song a tenth time (with each play praying it'd get better) I realised the song was lacking something. An essence of some sort. Maybe a someone. It was not the MB we are used to. Though not heard often, Ray Ray was indeed missed on this track and he is in fact essential to the composition of Mindless Behavior. It is no longer the same. They are losing themselves. There is a fine line between adaptation and complete change. This song has set the boys up for failure this year. Do not expect 2013 to be their year.

Your critic, Nicky B


"What the actual f*ck?!"

I read her review. I was fuming. How could she say we were losing ourselves? How could she say we'd set ourselves up for failure? I felt betrayed.

"Sh*t man, she went in hard" Roc said standing behind me.

"She's 'The Critic' it's what she does" Prince defended.

"No Prince, I don't care if it's what she does. She's my girl; she didn't have to go in on us like that!"

"Prod, she's inclined to her own opinion and it happened to be what it was”

Prince made a valid point. But he had to remember she had the power to make or break musical artists. One bad word from her could cause the whole world to forget an artist even existed. She held the musical world in the palm of her hand.


The weeks following Ray's split from the group were hectic. I received hate like there was no tomorrow.

"This us all your fault @NickyB I hate you!"

"You can go and kill yourself @NickyB"

"@NickyB is such a bitch it’s unbelievable, she should just leave Prod alone"

"Why the f*ck does Prod want her stank p*ssy ass anyway? @NickyB is such a d*ck sucking h*e"

"Lord, I hate that b*tch negra @NickyB"

At first, I wasn't fazed by the hate, I received it graciously. With open arms actually, but it had gotten to a point where it was almost enough to make me cry. But I didn't. Well I tried not to. Never was I ever going to shed one tear. Why? Because I was a strong independent woman who ran her own empire and who had the power to decide people's fate. I was Nicky B. But my eyes began to sting and my breaths became heavier. My posture slumped and I threw my head into my hands. The tears from my eyes fell rapidly as if the flood gates had opened. Huge reservoirs of salty liquid streamed down my face. My eyes were blurred so I could no longer see clearly. I sobbed like child.

In this room, sat a 23-year-old woman crying her eyes out stuck in a foetus like position rocking back and forth.


After about 10 minutes of crying, I reverted back to what I was doing before my emotional breakdown. I logged back on twitter to see the trend '#ProdShouldEndIt' Clicking into the trend, I discovered what it was all about. Before I could scroll through the tweets, my phone decided to ring.


“Superstar I am glad to hear your voice. A few minutes ago I was in tears and-”

“Nicky, why did you say all those things about ‘Lean’?” he questioned. He didn’t allow me to finish the description of my current emotional state.

“Urmm I don’t know maybe because it was a track review. And that’s exactly what I did, reviewed the track” Why was he asking this?

“Nicks, don’t get smart with me please”

“Well dumb questions get smart answers” I retorted.

“What do you mean “dumb questions”? It was a simple question that I wanted to know the answer to” I could tell he was getting heated up. His breaths became deeper.

“Why do you want to know why I wrote what I wrote? Did it hurt your feelings?”

“Yes!” Was he being serious?

“So you expect me to write reviews based on people’s feelings? If I did so, I wouldn’t be staying true to my brand as ‘The Critic’”

“You don’t have to do it with everyone, just do it for your loved ones. Go easy on us”

“Are you insane?! That’s bloody favouritism!” My face echoed disgust as I could not believe he told me to go easy on him.

“I will give you the same amount of heat I give everyone else regardless of who you are to me” I continued.

“Nicky! Don’t be a b*tch! I’m not saying don’t criticise us, just don’t predict our downfall” If I could slap him through the phone I would.

“Nah don’t p*ss me off Prod! I will not show favouritism because you're my boyfriend”

“Oh really? But you were willing to put in a good word when you were going out with that Lucas guy?!” This definitely shut me up.

“Don’t even bring him up Prod, you KNOW it was not like that”

“Oh well that’s what it looks like to me! You know, slamming your so-called boyfriend doesn’t show that you love him as much as you claim to do” he pulled the ‘Love’ card – that was low

“Shut up! You and I both know very well that I love you but I will not give you praise and credit where it is not due.”

“So you care about your job more than you do me?” I was shocked at his question.

“Bullsh*t! And I could ask you the same thing. You didn’t even let me finish what I was saying at the beginning of this phone call – I’ve been crying my eyes out because of all this hate I’ve been getting lately. At first, I didn’t care but it’s finally gotten to me. I was hoping you’d listen to me and console me but clearly, your ego got in the way of all of this” he was silent for a few seconds.

“Feelings? You could have saved my feelings by not writing such a wack ass review” ouch.

“That hurt, that really hurt” my eyes began to sting again.

“You know what Prod, if you’re “hurt” so much by what I write, then maybe we shouldn’t be together – you can’t change the type of writer I am”

“End it?” his tone had softened by a great amount.

“Yes end it. You’re clearly intimidated by the fact I can basically end your career in a heartbeat.” He was quiet for another few seconds probably gathering his thoughts.

“You know what, maybe you’re right. Maybe we should follow the twitter trend and end it” and with that, he hung up.

The tears came flooding back. Once again, in this room, sat a 23-year-old woman crying her eyes out stuck in a foetus like position rocking back and forth.


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