Chapter 9 - A Secret and a Date

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Chapter 9


I walked into my office to find an envelope on my desk. I took off my coat and set my bag a side preparing to read this note.

It read:

'I know your secret'

"Lucy!" I called.

"Yes, boss?"

"Did anyone walk into my office to drop off a letter or a note? Was anything delivered?"

"Nope. Why?"

"Oh. No reason."

"Were you expecting flowers from Prodigy?" she laughed.

"No, I was just curious."

With that she left. 'I know your secret'. Who knows what?


We had an interview with Axl Rose - another leading music journalist. Not as big and Nicks, but big enough to be known. We had met Axl a few times here and there - more times than Nicky but I had never really liked him. Every time I'd met him, I would get a negative vibe from him like he was hiding something. Nicky was harsh when it came to critiquing music on paper but musicians still managed to bond with her because she was a genuinely nice person. Axl, on the other hand, had a really bitchy personality and was usually criticised by other magazines and gossip sites for making up his own un-true gossip just to get a reaction from celebrities and their fans.

"So Prodigy, you and Nicky B announced your relationship status a few weeks ago. Tell me, how's it going?" he gave me a smirk.

"It's going well, Nicky and I have really bonded over the past few weeks and hopefully, we'll just continue to grow"

"Hmm, okay. Now people tend to say that a good relationship is built on three things: TRUE love, honesty and trust. Do you agree?"

He emphasised 'true love'. What was this guy playing at?

"Yes, I totally agree. If you and your partner don't really love each other, then there is no way in hell, you'll be able to move forward."

"Do you believe you and Nicky REALLY love each other?"

Damn! He was persistent. Why was he asking me all these questions? Did he know something? I cleared my throat.

"We've only been going for almost a month and true love takes time to develop but I do believe that Nicky and I are on the verge of true love."

"Is that so?" he gave out a small cackle. I could not wait for this to be over.


"Come on people! I need new ideas! Yes, we released the October issue a few days ago but you all know I love to get a head start on the next issue - ideas please."

"I'm thinking retro-pop" Tom said.

"Good one, but a little too patriotic. Plus, we did something similar earlier on this year for the jubilee"

"Countdown to Christmas!" Faye shouted out.

"A little too cliché my dear. I'm sorry."

Faye slumped in her seat.

"Faye, don't give up, keep thinking something amazing will come to you"

I was in a meeting, brainstorming ideas for the November issue. November was usually the hardest time of the year. Magazines around this time of the year never really knew what to do with themselves so tended to base their themes for new issues around the countdown to Christmas.

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