2nd Place Wattpad Poetry Contest - 2017 October is Chilling

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#wattpadpoetry2017 #octoberischilling - word prompt

He made his entrance

all heads turned

Black hair, black clothes

and eyes that burned

He was the featured entertainment

at the Prince's royal ball

His piano compositions

held the audience in thrall

They watched with fascination

as his fingers roamed the keys

The notes conveyed a mystery

the imagination to appease

"Have you ever heard such music?

It's almost frightening in its tone."

"Yes, not the score you'd care to hear

while sitting home alone."

His fingers raced from base to treble

a phenomenon of skill

The portentous melody itself

purveyed an eerie thrill

The recital done, the player rose

to the applause they did supply,

then turned toward the ladies

mischief in his eye

"You play so well." One woman fawned.

He smiled and kissed her hand

"I wonder if the notes I play

you fully understand."

He smiled and took a languid leave

seeking others to observe

accepting all their plaudits

his own judgement in reserve

"There's a sarcasm in his manner,

I'm not sure I like the man."

"I found him rather cordial,"

One woman blushed behind her fan.

"He's going to play again, I see.

Another etude for haunting?"

"Now, now. Don't be like that.

Though his talent's rather daunting."

He took his seat and raised his hands

the concerto began to thunder

The audience was seized

and mesmerized with wonder

The notes he played

to their minds unwilling

burned through their souls

diverse and chilling

The music soared

the keyboard burst in flames

Surrounding foliage all withered

and the audience heard their names

The pianist, now a creature

its pallor shining through the fire

The audience shrieked in agony

as they heard the devil's choir

Through the crackle of their burning bones

they heard his raspy sound

and knew their mortal souls were his

consumed in the blistered ground

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