PoetsPub Grimm Tales Crossover Challenge

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Choose 2 characters from the stories listed:

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Choose 2 characters from the stories listed:

Rapunzel/Hansel & Gretel/Cinderella/Red Riding Hood/Tom Thumb/Sleeping Beauty/Snow White/Rumpelstiltskin

Write an Acrostic poem using their names about a tea party in Grimm's world

Tea Party Etiquette

Such a lovely idea, I

Never would have dreamed

Our invitations

Would have been so successful

When everyone arrives

Have them all take seats

In the garden with a cup of

Tea for


Get everything set and

Ready then

Exuding charm, pour the

Tea containing the

English Laurel and

Let the agony begin!

storytellers challenge - story under 2000 word using two of any of the above stories and including all the following words

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storytellers challenge - story under 2000 word using two of any of the above stories and including all the following words

fireplace/sword/grove/stoke/underbrush/mourn/seven/friendship/ cardboard/giver

Anatomy of a Grandma

"All rise! Court is in session, the Honourable Judge Abel Verdict presiding."

"Mr. Armor, is the prosecution ready?"

"Ready, your Honour."

"Defense ready, Mr. Pester?"

"We are, your Honour."

"Proceed, Mr. Armor."

"At this time, your Honour I would like to call Mrs. Hood."

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