Past Prose Contest/Challenge Entries (3)

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Challenge 3 - Flash Fiction Whodunit/Murder/Mayhem Mystery - 500 words or less


Making a Point

"You and Mr. Harrison lived together here." The Detective said, jotting in his little note pad.

"We shared the apartment, yes."

The subtle variant was noted. "And you said you were out at a meeting, arriving home at eleven when you found Mr. Harrison dead."

"Yes- well no, not exactly. As I told the officers that first arrived, I thought Reggie was sleeping and when he didn't wake I ran and got a wet cloth and tried to revive him; I didn't realize he was already dead."

"So that would account for the fact that his face and shirt were all wet."

"Well yes, I expect it would. But then I immediately called the police and I sat here, touching nothing, until they arrived."

Another scribble in the book.

"Do you know how he was killed?"

"Stabbed. It seems whoever killed Mr. Harrison had easy access. There were no witnesses or signs of a break in or struggle and no fingerprints or weapon." The Detective watched the effect of his words carefully.

"I meant the manner of his demise."

"Interesting you should ask. The attempt to revive Mr. Harrison with your wet cloth managed to erase all forensic evidence around the wound."

"My intention was sincere; I was unaware of any wound."

"Hmm, nevertheless... " The detective stood, putting his notebook away. "All the coroner could determine was the shape of the weapon used. We'll be investigating that thoroughly."

"I'm certain you will."

"Okay, Mr. Wales, we'll probably have more questions after the final autopsy." The detective stood and left his business card on the end table. "If you think of anything, please call."

Jonas Wales watched the police car drive away and he pulled at his chin thoughtfully then went to the kitchen. He lifted the lid on the chest freezer and removed the conical foil mould he had made to freeze his icicle weapon, and crushed it into a ball. Reggie had almost laughed at him until the icy point penetrated his throat and severed his artery. All Jonas had to do was account for the wet clothes... and he had.

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