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3rd person POV

The Stilinski's  consisted of Sheriff Noah Stilinski and his two sons Stiles and Thomas. Thomas was about two years younger then Stiles. Thomas got along well with Stiles' friend Scott McCall but liked to keep more to himself. So he wasn't with them the night Scott got bit he was in his room reading instead. Stiles decided to keep his family in the dark about werewolves for their safety.

One night the Sheriff was at work and he had offered to bring his sons but Stiles was the only one who wanted to come. As usual Thomas wanted to stay home and read. Meaning Sheriff and Stiles left Thomas home alone thinking he would be safe, but little did they know WCKD was watching and waiting to take Thomas.

Sheriff and Stiles were driving around on patrol when Sheriff's phone started to ring. It was one of his neighbors asking if anyone was home and if they were expecting someone. Sheriff replied saying Thomas was home but they weren't expecting anyone. The next thing they knew Stiles and Sheriff heard screaming through the phone.

They didn't waste a second in rushing back to their house as soon as the screaming started. The screaming didn't freak them out as much as the crashing coming from the background. So there they were speeding down streets to get home as fast as they possibly could.

When finally got home what they saw horrified them. The door was broken down, some windows were shattered, lamps knocked over, and tables over turned. Thomas' room was completely destroyed, like there had been some type of struggle. Books were thrown all over, his desk chair knocked over and broken, and papers flung everywhere. One of the weirdest thing they noticed were burn marks on the furniture, in the center of the mark there was a metal circle and the marks extended from it. But the worst thing that they had noticed was that Thomas was no where to be found. They searched the house and around the neighborhood but still there was no sign of him. 

The sheriff immediately set the deputies to work on finding his son. They all came up empty handed. They had no clue where Thomas could have gone. Sheriff and Stiles wanted to believe that he was out there somewhere, that he was okay, and that all they had to do was find him. But as time went on the more they lost hope. Both Noah and Stiles blamed themselves for Thomas' disappearance. Stiles felt like he failed as an older brother while Noah felt like he not only failed Thomas but Stiles as well because he wasn't a good enough father.

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