Chapter 6

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The next morning Thomas and Aris were both up early due to their schedules from the safe haven. Every was always up early it was a little like the glade. They all had their parts to do no one really slacked off because of what their mazes had taught them. 

After a while Sheriff walked out of his room towards the kitchen to get his coffee. He wasn't expecting anyone to be up yet and was completely shocked to see both Aris and Thomas up and ready. "What's got you two up so early?" Noah asked them. "We went for a run this morning. I hope you don't mind it just helps us clear our heads" Thomas replied. Noah answered immediately "No, of course I don't mind. If you do go for a run just be careful and let either me or Stiles know where you're going. I just don't want to walk into your room expecting you and find an empty room with you no where in the house" "Oh, yeah we can do that sorry just not used to living here yet. In the safe haven if you got up before everyone else or even if you just needed some time alone most of us would just go for a run" Aris said trying to at least trust Noah a little more. "I get it you boys just need to adjust" Noah said feeling terrible for all of the kids they had found. 

It was silent for a while until Noah spoke up again. "Aris we are still looking for your family. Just thought I would let you know, but in the mean time you can stay here as long as you like" "Thank you sir, that means a lot" Aris said kind of shocked the sheriff didn't tell him to just get out. 

"It's no problem and you can call me Noah, Aris you don't have to call me sir" Noah told him. "Okay well I've got to get to work and to let you boys know you have school today at 8. Stiles will give you both a ride. I thought that this would help you to get to know some people here and help you adjust back" Noah told the boys waiting for their responses. All he got out of either boy was a nod. He also got a soft smile out of Thomas who was appreciative of all that his dad was doing for them.

After Noah left Stiles came to living telling Thomas and Aris that he was talking them to school early because they needed to get their schedules. The car ride to school was awkward silence the entire time. Stiles tried to make conversation with the boys but would get one word answers from both of them. 

When They finally got to Beacon Hills High School Thomas and Aris quickly said goodbye to Thomas and ran towards the office. They could see Newt and Minho standing next to the history classroom with Minho's dad. Lydia right next to Newt with Kira right next to her. Both looking at Newt and Minho like they would disappear any second. 

Further down the hall right outside the office they saw Isaac and Sonya. Sonya looked like she was trying anything to get away. As soon as they all saw Thomas and Aris they all quickly excused themselves from their siblings or in Minho's case parent and sibling and ran towards Thomas and Aris. Sonya quickly hugged Aris and then hugged Thomas. She looked at  Aris throughout the whole time they were talking. Newt, Minho, and Thomas could see that she had a crush on him and that he had a crush on her. 

The bell rang which caused each of the gladers/scorchers to groan thinking they would be seprated again. They quickly compared schedules and found out that through out the day none of them was on their own. They each at least had one other glader/scorcher in class with them. 

Thomas and Newt quickly walked to class letting Minho, Aris, and Sonya go to their class. 

While they were at school Sheriff Stilinski was looking at old cold cases trying to figure out if the reason he couldn't solve them was because of the supernatural. He came across the case of the Tate's. He figured that he could figure it out if he looked again.

Upon further inspection he decided to talk to Scott and Stiles and see if they could help him.

He was able to talk to Scott and Stiles  and they both seem to think that Malia if a werecoyote or a werewolf. They all agreed to go to the Tate's house to see if Scott could find a scent for Malia. 

Sheriff distracted Mr. Tate while Scott and Stiles sneaked into the back of the house trying to find anything to help them find Malia. Scott and Stiles got into the house they immediately started looking around. They found some items but none of them were able to give them a good enough scent to help them find her. "You getting anything Scott?" Stiles asked. "No, all I'm getting is--" he was interrupted by Scott when Stiles slapped his arm saying "dog" The dog started barking at them. Eventually Mr. Tate yelled from the other room to try and get the dog to stop. "do something" Stiles said to Scott. "Why me?" Scott asked. Stiles responded sarcastically "I don't know, maybe because you're the Alpha. Flash your eyes at it or something" "I can't control it" Scott said. "Just try" Stiles told him trying to give Scott encouragement. 

Scott was finally able to flash his eyes at the dog getting it to stop barking. The two kept trying different things around the room with no luck until Stiles noticed a picture. Looking at it further he noticed there were three kids sitting on a blanket. One was Malia, another was one was a younger girl holding a doll, the last kid in the picture was a boy. He was presumably the middle a child maybe a year or so younger than Malia. Stiles took a picture of it and they both made their way out of the house. 

They met the sheriff outside by their cars. "Were you able to get a scent?" he asked the boys hopefully. "No, maybe if it was so long ago but-" Scott began getting cut off by Noah "it's okay it was a long shot anyway". Stiles was still looking at the picture trying to figure out who the little boy was. "Hey guys you might want to look at this" Stiles announced to the sheriff and Scott. He turned his phone around and showed the picture. Stiles started to explain his reasoning for looking at the picture. "The little boy in the picture does he remind you of anyone?" The sheriff's eyes widened. 

"Thanks for trying to help with Malia boys but you may have just helped me solve a different case" Noah exclaimed running towards his car. "WAIT, WHAT CASE DID WE HELP YOU SOLVE" Stiles yelled after his dad. "I think you might have just helped me find Aris' family" Noah yelled back going heading back towards the police station to see if his theory was right or not. 

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