Chapter 13

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The gladers/scorchers kept running after they left the loft until they reached Aris' house. It was farthest away and they knew no one would come looking for them there. 

Thomas paced the living room while everyone else sat around talking nervously. "Did we actually escape WCKD or is this just another one of their sick and twisted tricks?" Thomas asked. 

Suddenly they heard a door shut. Each of them stood and got ready in case it was actually WCKD preparing to attack them. 

"Aris" Malia called out looking for her brother "Aris are you home?" Aris looked around trying to see if the other gladers/scorchers wanted him to answer. After recieving nods from wll of them he answered her "Yeah, Malia I'm home. Did you need something?" "No, but your scent is making it smell like your stressed" She said walking into the room, "I wanted to make sure you're okay". 

"I'm fine" Aris trails off thinking about what she said. "Did you just say my scent made it seem like I'm stressed" he asked. She avoided the question and quickly walked out of the room. 

"Did anyone else find that incredibly strange?" Newt asked while looking were Malia had just went. They all just nodded in response. 

"I know no one really wants to face this but I don't think we should be alone" Minho voiced his thoughts. "For all we know WCKD could be out there hunting us down. We also need to figure out what we want to do tonight should we go home or should we stay here?" he said looking to the others for an answer. 

"We should stick together especially right now" Newt said. They all nodded in response. This caused Aris to go and get extra pillows and blankets for Thomas, Newt, Minho, and Sonya. Slowly they all fell asleep but it wasn't peaceful all of them had nightmares from their time inn WCKD. 

The next morning Scott got on his dirt bike heading towards school. He was worried about Thomas and as far as he knew none of the Gladers/scorchers went home last night. 

Scott was so lost in thought he almost didn't notice the twins riding up on their motorcycles on either side of him. 

The whole way towards the high school the twins followed on either side of Scott. Scott parked once they reached the school and again on either side of him was one of the twins. They all pulled off their helmets. Scott looked at the twins before asking "Is this really necassary?" 

"Those things were looking straight at you when the sun came up" Aiden said. "This is our first time battling the ninja things, we're playing it safe" Ethan continued. "Which means all day and all night" At this comment Scott rolled his eyes and asked "This isn't about wanting to join my pack is it"? The twins responded immediately "No, this is about protection and we have no idea what these are so that means protecting you all day" Scott cut them off "all night". 

After walking to his locker Scott's plan was going to be to go and talk to Stiles but he needed to get the twins off his back before then. "Look I need to go talk to Stiles and I don't want you two listening in" Scott said. Ethan and Aiden looked at each other before Scott mentioned another  detail. "And no wolf hearing"? "How would you even know" Aiden asked. "I'm the true alpha. Trust me I'd know" Scott replied. 

With that Scott walked off leaving the twins alone going to find Stiles. Stiles lead him into the science lab trying to explain the fact that he thought he was the one who let Barrow into the school. When he went to show Scott the key to open the closet the key was gone. "I'm telling you I came back here last night and I had the key for that closet. And the message telling Barrow to go after Kira it was my hand writing" Stiles said panicked. "Stiles are you okay"? Scott asked, "How much sleep have you been getting? you don't look so good maybe you should take the day off" Scott suggested noticing how bad his friend's health was getting. 

"Yeah, yeah I must just be tired. Can you do me a favor? If Thomas needs a ride home will you take him?" Stiles asked. Scott nodded before Stiles left. 

As Scott left the science lab he saw Thomas, Aris, Minho, Newt, and Sonya huddled walking through the hallway. He tried to catch up to them and talk with them but it was like they were in their own little world. 

They didn't even notice him trying to catch up. All he heard were the words Ava Paige, WCKD, Janson, and one sentence that confused him the most. It was something about Thomas being the cure and that WCKD wouldn't give up searching for him. 

Scott knew as soon as he heard this they were going to have to look into this WCKD if they were threatening Thomas, Soyna, Aris, Minho, and Newt. 

Stiles walked into the hospital walking to the front desk seeing Melissa.  Melissa talked to him before deciding to take him back and make sure he was okay.

"How much sleep have you been getting recently?" Melissa asked. "Uh, about 8 hours" Stiles answered. "A night?" She responded. "In the last three days" Stiles replied. "Irritability?" Stiles nodded. "trouble focusing?" She questioned. Stiles shook his head "The adder all's not working". "Vivid dreams during the day?" Melissa responded. "Basically all of the above" Stiles said. 

Melissa nodded going over to a drawer and pulling out a syringe.  "I think I know what this is" Melissa said walking over to Stiles. "What is that?" Stiles asked. "Do you trust me?" Melissa replied. "Well when you're not holding a syringe". Melissa answered Stiles while giving Stiles the shot. "You, Stiles are an extremely sleep deprived young man. you need sleep and you need it know". Stiles nodded knowing Melissa was right. "How long is it going to...Oh not long at all" Stiles said while Melissa gently pushed him back to lay on the bed. 

Melissa tucked Stiles in and went to turn off the lights when Stiles said "Thanks mom". Melissa smiled to herself and walked out of the room. 

When she was in the hallway she grabbed Stiles chart and walked towards records. She walked into the room turned on the lights and pulled out the file she was looking for. She opened the file and saw that Stiles had the same symptoms. After this discovery she closed the file and looked at the name and status of the patient. The front of the folder said 'Claudia Stilinski Deceased'. 

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