Chapter 10

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At the sub station Scott had already ran on leaving a bickering Stiles and Lydia. As he walked towards Barrow's voice he saw Kira tied to a fence and Barrow about to electrocute her. 

Before he could Scott stood up and got Barrow's attention. "HEY, you want kids with glowing eyes? How about mine?" Barrow looked towards Scott and saw his glowing red eyes. 

Stiles was standing on the other side of the room. He was hidden and holding his bat waiting for the right moment to jump out and help. "Oh, don't worry you're next" Barrow told Scott grabbing an exposed wire and going to touch Kira with it. Before he could Kira grabbed the wire after freeing herself. 

This caused sparks to fly across the room continuously. Scott gets blasted backwards while Kira touches her hand to the end of the wire absorbing the electricity, this ended up causing a black throughout the town of Beacon Hills. 

Outside Lydia was sitting in the jeep waiting for the police to show up. They do just as the power goes out. The police rush inside finding Scott, Stiles, and Kira along with Barrow who is passed out. Agent McCall looks at the three and know there is going to be a long night of questioning ahead. 

As Melissa continues to listen to the Gladers/scorchers  she kept hearing more and more traumatic stories. "Hey Tommy, did you ever tell us what happened after you left to look for Ava Paige?" Newt asked. At this Melissa knew she would have to remember that name and talk to sheriff. 

"I don't think so. Do you guys really want to know?" Thomas asked hesitantly. "Mate you know we would never force you to talk about anything" Newt responded. "Yeah we were just curious because all we know is you went to find Ava Paige and somehow you ended up on top of WCKD's tower with a bullet wound in your stomach" Minho continued. Hearing this Melissa decided she had heard enough. She realized how much these kids had actually been through. 

She decided to go call sheriff and see if he knew anything about this Ava Paige and WCKD. 

At the sheriff's station Noah Stilinski's phone started ringing. The caller ID read Melissa. Agent McCall leaned over sheriff's desk and declined the call. Sheriff rolled his eyes deciding to hold his tongue and call Melissa back later. 

Agent McCall on the other hand began his questioning, "So you all got there at the same time?" he asked the four teens sitting in front of him. "Are you asking me?" Stiles questioned. "No, I think he was asking me" Scott answered. "I think he was talking to both of you" Lydia stated. Agent McCall  asked his next question getting more and more annoyed, "How did you know  he would take Kira there?" Stiles, Scott, and Lydia all looked at each other nervous before Stiles answered, "Well he was an electrical engineer where else would he take her?". McCall looked at him suspiciously "that's a hell of a deduction there Stiles" McCall responded. 

"What can I say I take after my pops. He's in law enforcement" Stiles sarcastically said. Sheriff had to bite back a laugh "Just answer the questions Stiles" he said still trying not to laugh. "alright I think we're done here we'll call you if we need anything else" McCall announced. 

"If we're done here can I have my phone back?" Kira asked. "Sorry but no it's evidence" McCall told her while walking out of the room with Scott.

Stiles, Lydia, and Kira went and waited outside for Scott giving Noah the perfect opportunity to call Melissa back. "Hey Melissa sorry I couldn't answer before" Noah said when she picked up. "Was there anything you need me for?" he asked. "Yes actually" Melissa responded taking a deep breath before continuing, "I know I shouldn't have been but I listened in on Thomas, Aris, Sonya, Minho, and Newt and they were talking about what happened to them. I'm not going to say everything I heard because it isn't my place but do you know anything about an Ava Paige? Or anything about WCKD?" "Okay, first you eavesdropped one them?" noah asked kind of shocked. "yes and I'm not proud of it. I just wanted to make sure they weren't having any PTSD but what I heard makes it hard to believe these kids don't have any psychological trauma" Melissa ranted. 

"Okay calm down I get why you listened. Secondly I will definitely look into this Ava Paige and this WCKD. If they're the ones who stole my son and traumatized him then we are definitely finding them" sheriff said determined. With that they both hung up. 

While all of this was happening Isaac was at the Argent's apartment. Chris had just left the room with Allison after walking in on Allison and Isaac who were both shirtless. Isaac wandered around the room until he heard yelling. "ANOTHER WEREWOLF!" Chris yelled. Isaac jumped and ended up standing near the end of Allison's bed. While he was waiting for Allison to come back some sort of creatures popped out of the shadows. Isaac let out a scream while these things surrounded him. All he could tell about them was that they were wearing all black with masks on their faces. One came up to him and put a hand on his face forcing Isaac to look into it's glowing yellow eyes. Eventually it let Isaac go and disappeared with the rest of them. 

Isaac fell to the floor shaking unable to get up or even speak. Allison and Argent were outside trying to get the door open. "Isaac open the door" Allison said nervously. "ISAAC" argent yelled. Eventually they got the door open seeing Isaac's state. Allison rushed over to him. "He's freezing" she said while looking up at her dad trying to figure out what to do. "He has to turn" Argent responded walking over to Isaac's shaking form. 

Quickly Argent landed a punch on Isaac's face. "Turn" he yelled. He punched Isaac three times before Isaac finally responded. His eyes glowed yellow and he let out  a roar finally going back to normal. "Isaac what happened?" Argent asked him. Isaac shakily responded "They came out of the shadows. Their eyes glowed like a fire fly, they had masks and wore all black". Argent's eyes widened while Allison just looked confused "I think they were after me. Give me 24 hours before you tell anyone" Argent said running out of the room. Allison and Isaac just stared at each other confused trying to figure out what happened. 

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