Chapter 3

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It had been about a month since they made it to the safe haven. Everything had been going really well besides the occasional nightmare. What else would be expected they had all been through so much trauma. They had all lost friends or family.

Thomas, Newt and Minho were walking around joking with each other and laughing. They were glad they had each other but they also felt guilty about the people who weren't with them. Like Alby, Chuck, and Winston. The best they could do was remember the good times they had with them and try to live like they would have wanted.

Eventually the three had made it to a cliff and decided to take a break from walking. While they were sitting around they heard yelling coming from the path that leads back to camp.

Curiously they looked and saw Aris running towards them. Slightly out of breath Aris tried to explain what was happening back at camp. "There were these men that surrounded the camp. I wanted to help but I was on my own there was no way I could have done anything. They surrounded everyone" Aris explained tearing up because he felt like he had failed his friends. "Aris it's okay they wouldn't have wanted you to give yourself up. They knew would be smart and go to get help." Newt said trying to calm Aris who was on the verge of a panic attack. "Let's go help them" Thomas urged the others worried that WCKD had found them.

They ran back to camp and what they saw frightened them. There was a huge group of men surrounding the camp. There friends were all in the center of the camp slowly being loaded onto a helicopter one by one.

"It's WCKD isn't it?" Minho asked slowly afraid of the answer. "probably" Newt answered trying to stay calm. Thomas groaned "Haven't they done enough to us I thought we were finally safe. Why did they have to come here and ruin it?" Thomas ranted.

As they were watching the group trying to come up with a plan they failed to notice the man coming up behind them, He was in a deputy's uniform instead of the uniforms like the other men. "Hey" The man spoke slowly and calmly trying not to scare the boys anymore. He spoke into the walkie-talkie on his shoulder "I got four more hiding in the trees I'm going to bring them to the helicopter". Minho, Newt, Thomas, and Aris all looked at each other nervously. Slowly they backed up getting into position. They took out their weapons and got ready to save themselves and their friends. "Hey we aren't going to hurt you. we just want to help you——?" he trailed off slowly looking at Thomas looking very confused. He turned an walked away muttering himself.

"Stay right here. I just need to make a call" the man said slowly walking a little ways away from the four now very confused boys. He took out his phone and called Sheriff Stilinski. "Parish this better be important I know you are on a mission with McCall, so you better make this quick" Sheriff said. "This is going to sound insane but your son is in Beacon Hills right?" Parish asked making the Sheriff look at Stiles, who was in his office, thinking Parish had officially gone crazy.

"Parish what are you talking about of course Stiles is here" Sheriff said getting Stiles' attention. "Okay" Parish answered sighing. "I know it was a weird question and I probably sound insane right now but the there is a kid here who looks almost exactly like Stiles" Parish explained causing the Sheriff and Stiles to look at each other hopefully.

"Parish what's his name?" Stiles asked jumping out of his seat to get closer to the phone. "I haven't gotten that far yet all I know is that he is with three other boys his age right now but they are on an island with a bunch of other teenagers" Parish answered walking back towards the group of boys who all stood in a defensive position. Parish spoke to them keeping his phone from their sight but to where Sheriff and Stiles could still hear them. He then asked the boys what their names were. "Like you wouldn't already know shank. We know you're with WCKD" Minho spoke moving protectively in front of his friends.

"I don't even know what that is can you just tell me your names and were your from so we can help you?" Parish asked them. "Stop the act we know you're with WCKD, so save it, but know this we will not go back there without a fight so if you want us come and get us" Newt spoke this time.

Thomas looked at Parish in confusion, he then looked at Parish's uniform and saw the name of the town Parish works for on his arm, Beacon Hills. Suddenly Thomas is hit with a memory, all he saw was a sign that said Beacon Hills preserve and two boys who looked older then him.

Thomas groaned as the flashback stopped and he was left with a massive headache. Newt, Minho, and Aris all watched Thomas worried about their friend. "Guys I think he's telling the truth. I don't think he's with WCKD" Thomas said while looking at Parish.

Sheriff and Stiles who were still listening thanks to Parish's phone hear Thomas speak and their eyes widened as they recognized his voice.

"Tommy what are you Talking about?" Newt asked nervously. "I think they are really trying to help us and if not you guys know we won't give up until we get away with everyone else. We did it once we can do it again" Thomas answered. He then looked at Parish and answered "My names Thomas, that's Newt, Minho and Aris". "And just so you know if you are lying to us and you are with WCKD we will do everything we can to get away with all of our friends" Aris said in a threatening manor.

Stiles and Sheriff looked at each other tears welling up in their eyes as they heard the conversation. They had found him they had found Thomas.

The four boys agreed to go with Parish to Beacon Hills on one condition all of their friends go with them two. Parish agreed (mainly because that was were they were going to take them any way) and slowly the four boys followed Parish toward Gally, Brenda, Harriet, Sonya, Teresa, Vince and Jorge. They too a look around the safe haven and then boarded the  helicopter headed to Beacon hills.

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