Chapter 7

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Scott and Stiles decided they were going to help Malia and get her to turn back into a human. The only problem was they had no idea how. They only knew of two werewolves that could help them figure out how to shift Malia back and those two werewolves were the twins. 

The Sheriff had discovered that Aris is actually Mr. Tate's son. He went missing a few months before the car accident involving his mother and sisters. After about the first a year and a half he was presumed dead and they called off the search for him.

Upon learning this information the Sheriff immediately went to find Aris to tell him they had found his family. He called Stiles to let him know to bring Aris to the police station as soon as he could.

Noah decided to call Mr. Tate to let him know that his son was found and that he was okay. Stiles walked in and could only hear one half of Noah's conversation. "Hello, Mr. Tate I have some news for you" Noah explained. There was a pause while Tate responded. "This actually doesn't have anything to do with what I talked to you about before. Your son Aris we he went missing about eight years ago correct?" Sheriff asked. This time Stiles could hear the Tate yelling as he responded. "I know you might be mad I brought this up but I have some new that I really think you should hear. Your son was found" Noah said with a small smile on his face. "Okay I will bring him by in about an hour" As soon as he hung up the phone Stiles looked at his dad happy he solved a case. "I know this isn't the case you were trying to solve but I'm glad you figured this one out" Stiles told his dad. "I'm just glad we could help them both" Noah responded. "You brought Aris here right?" Noah questioned Stiles. "Yeah he's outside with Thomas. I'm sure he'll be glad to have his family back" Stiles said genuinely happy for the boy.

Noah left his office with Aris bringing him to the Tate's house. As soon as he knocked on the door it was flung open. Aris stood slightly behind Noah not sure how to feel. Sure, he was happy to have his family back but he was also afraid this another one of WCKD's tricks. Tate saw Aris and Immediately pulled him into an embrace tear in his eyes. Noah watched the two while slowly backing away towards his car to give the two some privacy.

While all of this was happening Scott and Stiles went to the scene of the car wreck and found out Malia was a werecoyote because her eyes flashed as they watched her. Stiles pulled a doll out of the car sticking it in his backpack thinking Scott could use it to track her scent. They eneded up following Malia to her den finding her coat.

They called Noah in an attempt to help him solve Malia Tate's case. After the sheriff shows up and talks to Scott and Stiles he asks them not to say anything because he doesn't want this getting back to Tate. Soon agent McCall shows up with none other than Tate. "That's my daughter's coat" he says grabbing the coat from the sheriff.

"Mr. Tate I think you should leave. You have a son at home who went through something very traumatic he needs support of his family. Go and be with your son" Sheriff told Tate. Tate looks at the sheriff and slowly leaves still clutching his daughter's coat. 

When Tate got home he checked on Aris and told him to stay in the house. Afterwards he goes out and sets up traps to try and catch the "coyote" that hurt his daughter and attacked his wife and other daughter. As soon as the traps were set he got one of his guns and waited for the "coyote" to get trapped.

The next day the Aris went to meet up with Minho, Thomas, Newt, and Sonya. They all looked they weren't sleeping much and truth be told they weren't. They all were afraid of WCKD some how coming back and taking them again, or even that this whole time they have been with their families was a trick. They all also felt like their families were keeping something from them. 

As the gladers/scorchers were catching up because they had seen each other in a while the bell rang. They went their separate ways to class. Aris and Thomas both had a free period so they attempted to go to the library. 

"Thomas do you think your brother and his friends are keeping something from us?" Aris asked nervously. He had a bad feeling was afraid that WCKD was some how missing with them. "I don't know. There is something going on but I'm sure it's nothing" Thomas responds. Aris nods still kind of worried that this whole thing was a trick. Thomas notices the look his friend has on his face and tries to reassure him. "Aris I know what you're thinking. I'm telling you this now I really don't think that this is WCKD. Just give it a chance. We'll be fine. And if it turns out I'm wrong and this is WCKD, we will get out of this together just like last time. Okay, we will get through this together" Thomas says. Aris just nods still not completely sure. 

After class Newt meets up with Aris and Thomas. They walk down the stairs and through the halls. As they were walking they see they see a coyote with bright glowing blue eyes. The three boys look at each other in fear and slowly back away. 

On the other side of things the "coyote" sees the three and starts growling until she sees the boy standing in the middle. Instantly she recognizes him. In an instant she forgets about the reason she actually came to the school and rushes towards the boy knocking him to the floor.

The three boys watch as the coyote runs at them and then in an instant knocks Aris to the floor. In the process he was so surprised that he hit his head against the floor knocking him out instantly. As Newt and Thomas go to try and help him up they get growled at as the coyote stands over Aris almost protectively. 

The blow to his head effected Aris more than any of them would have expected. It caused him to regain memories of his family. More specifically his memories of his older sister Malia. 

Soon Malia remembers why she came to school in the first place. She reluctantly moves away from Aris and towards the locker room where she smashes the window on the door spreading glass over the floor. Malia runs after Kira who has Stiles' backpack with her little sister's doll in it. 

She starts to tear the bag open when the door opens. Scott runs over to Kira and knocks the lockers over making Malia run back into the hall way. She takes one last look at her brother still unconscious on the floor with Newt, Thomas and Stiles all around him. After looking at Aris she runs out not wanting to be caught. 

Stiles had called his dad after finding Thomas, Newt, and Aris in the hall. After the paramedics checked on Aris they decided it would be best if they took him to the hospital. 

"Stiles?" Thomas starts getting Stiles attention. "This is probably going to sound insane but there was a coyote with glowing eyes. It growled at us and then it looked at Aris" he explains. "It just focused on him and jumped on him. Then stood over him. When we tried to help him growled at us and stood over him like it was protecting him" Newt continued to explain. Stiles nodded getting up to go towards the locker room to check on Scott and Kira. "Why would she have even come here?" Scott asked confused on why Malia would be this far from the woods with so many people around. 

Stiles noticed his backpack torn up with the doll sticking out of it. "She was looking for this" Stiles said holding out the doll to Scott. "What's so important about a doll?" Scott questioned. No one got the chance to answer him as Mr. Tate came barging into the room. "That's my daughter's" he said taking the doll from Stiles. "Where did you get this?" Tate questioned the teens. Just as Tate was staring at the teens expecting them to answer. The Sheriff walked in noticing Tate. "Tate how did you even know about this?" Noah asked wanting to get Tate's attention away from the teens. 

"That thing ATTACKED MY SON! It jumped on him. He is on his way to the hospital right now. He was even conscious when I got here" Tate exclaimed wanting the coyote caught. "Well if your son was as you say attacked then maybe you should go to this hospital with him" Sheriff said to Tate. "You find that thing. Just to let you know I'll be watching for it because now it has attacked the only family I have left" Tate said glaring at the sheriff. "Mr. Tate I'm going to have to ask you to leave" Sheriff said. 

As Tate left sheriff turned to the teens "Are you sure this coyote is Malia?" he asked. "It's definitely Malia. Thomas and Newt told me that she growled at them until she looked at Aris. I don't think she meant to hurt him. They told me that when they went to help him that she stood over him protectively"Stiles explained. 

Sheriff nodded leaving the room. "Stiles we need to proctect her. We need to keep Tate from hurting his daughter. We need to get her to shift back. Let's see of the twins beating the crap out of me worked" Scott said determinedly. 

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