Chapter 4

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As soon as Parish hung up the phone Stiles and Sheriff jumped up excitedly. They had found him. After almost three years they found Thomas. Immediately Thomas went running to his Jeep to go tell Scott.

As soon as he made it to the McCall house he burst through door yelling "SCOTT! SCOTT GET DOWN HERE!" "whoa Stiles what's got you this excited?" Melissa asked coming out of the kitchen seeing the wide grin on Stiles' face. As soon as he heard Melissa he ran over and hugged her. "They found him" he said not being able to wipe the smile off his face. "Really, Stiles that's amazing" Melissa said pulling Stiles in for another hug. "STILES, Stiles is something wrong?" Scott asked coming down the stairs becoming confused when he noticed his mom and Stiles hugging.

"They found him Scott, They found Thomas" Stiles said stile with a huge grin still on his face. "Are you serious, Stiles if this is a joke" Scott said starring at Stiles. Stiles answered Scott with tears in his eyes "why would I joke about this, Parish called my dad and I heard him. Their bringing him home Scott. He's finally coming home". Instead of answering Scott grinned running over to Stiles hugging him.

The helicopter with all of the Gladers/scorchers finally landed they were led out and into the hospital for a check up considering some of them they suspected were kids that had been missing for three years.

When each of the teens were deemed that they were well enough to leave the hospital they were all taken to the Sheriff's station to be identified and reunited with their families.

Each of the Gladers/Scorchers were fingerprinted and told to go wait in the Sheriff's office. Once they were all inside of the Sheriff's office Noah Stilinski walked in. Instantly his eyes found Thomas. Thomas wasn't paying attention but going around the group and making sure each of them were okay.

"I know this is a lot to take in but most of you do have family in the area. Each of your families have been contacted" Noah spoke slowly trying to reassure the group of teens. He then slowly explained that not all of them lived in Beacon Hills but in they did leave in cities nearby. In another room they were questioning Vince and Jorge who seemed to be the only adults that were on the island with the missing teens. The only problem being that they would give the officers the whole story because it was the teens decision on whether or not they wanted their story to be told.

The Gladers/Scorchers looked at each other nervously when their families were mentioned. One by one different families showed up and found their kids reuniting with them.

Noah made his way over to Thomas and pulled a confused Thomas into a hug. "Thomas, I know this is weird for you and I know you can't remember everything, but you're my son and you have an older brother named Stiles" Noah said looking Thomas over carefully glad to finally have him back. Noah continued after checking to make sure that Thomas wasn't hurt "Stiles should be here soon to take you home". As soon as Noah said this Stiles burst through door Scott and Isaac on his heels. As soon as Stiles sees Thomas he tries to run over before being stopped by Noah, Scott and Isaac. "Stiles slow down I know you're excited but he is really confused he doesn't really remember his past none of them do". Noah explained to Stiles. "And Isaac, Scott while you are here I have something to tell you" Noah said leading Isaac and Scott out of his office.

While Isaac, Sheriff, and  Scott were outside Stiles slowly walked over to Thomas stopping when about five boys stood in front of Thomas protectively. "Thomas?" Stiles asked. Thomas Just nodded and looked down when a wave of pain hit him and one of his memories came back.

Thomas groaned and held his head trying to ignore the pain but not being able to hide it. Stiles looked at him nervously as Sonya slowly led Thomas to sit down. The rest of the Gladers/scorches watched making sure he was okay. Newt spoke up asking the question they were all afraid to ask "You alright there Tommy? What was that?" Thomas looked up nervously "It was me remembering something from my past. I don't remember much else except for a sign that said Beacon Hills Preserve, which is what I remembered when I told you guys we could trust Parish. Just now I remembered the night I was taken" Thomas answered.

Isaac slowly walked back into the room. Isaac looked at Sonya and insantley rushed over pulling her into a hug. She stiffened not completely remembering Isaac only knowing that she knew him before WCKD. 

Soon the only gladers/scorchers left to in the room were Newt, Aris, Sonya, Thomas, and Minho. Thomas refused to leave until each of the gladers left with their family.

Soon Lydia Martin walked into the sheriffs office and heads straight for Newt. She runs to him and embraces him almost knocking him off his feet. At first he was confused until he had a sense of familiarity within the hug and realized that this was his older sister. As soon as he realized this he wrapped his arms around holding her tightly. 

Natalie Martin walked in after talking with the Sheriff trying to figure out what had happened to her son. She soon saw him and couldn't fight the tears that started streaming down her face as she embraced both of her children.

"I can't believe it's really you. My little boy. What happened to you?" She asked Newt wiping the tears from her eyes. Newt doesn't answer instead he looks down avoiding her gaze. " You know what it doesn't even matter I'm just glad you're okay" Natalie tells him cupping his face in her hands looking into his eyes. Slowly the three leave the sheriff's station after promising Newt he would see all of the gladers/scorchers when they started school within the next few days.

After the Martins left Isaac finally convinced Sonya to leave and head back to the McCall's house with him and Scott. After she had given Thomas and Aris a hug, Aris receiving a longer hug then Thomas, her, Isaac, and Scott left to go back to the McCall's house.

Minho went home with his family. It turns out he had a twin and her name is Kira. They as well went home to get Minho settled in and to help him get used to being with them again.

This left Thomas, Stiles, and Aris. After Sonya had given everyone a hug, Aris receiving a longer hug then Thomas her and Isaac left to go back to the McCall's house.

Noah walked back into the room seeing both of his sons and Aris still in his office. Unfortunately they were still trying to track down Aris' family so for the time being he would be staying with the Stiliskies.

After two and a half years Stiles and Noah were finally able to bring Thomas home. Thomas and Aris couldn't help but feel somewhat out of place. Even though Thomas was going to be with his family but they didn't know/understand half of what he had been through. Aris did so at least he had someone he could relate to. 

He didn't want to disappoint his dad and brother but he kind of felt out of place. Maybe it was just because it was different from what he could actually remember. Hopefully he could remember his past so it wasn't as awkward around his family.  

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