Chapter 7

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What lies behind us and what lies before us are small details to what lies in us

What the hell happened down there?" I asked.

"Uhh... Reed said that I couldn't take care of this baby without him and..." She trailed off.

This is my child! I wasn't going to let anyone, even the birth father, say shit about it.

"Come here." I called to her.
She took slow steps toward me. Like she expected me to strike her.

Once close enough, I stood up, towering over her.
"You're to never go back down there again. Ever, I don't care who you miss or who you need to see. Never go back down there. Or you will regret it. " my voice was stern, and I tried my hardest to keep it together and not to break when I saw tears in her eyes.

She simply hummed a reply and left the room. I had no clue where she was going. And I don't think she had a clue either.

I hated this. I hated this feeling of regret in my stomach. So me being the sensitive 'alpha' I am, I ran after her.

She was barely down the hall, and walking toward the elevator.

I grabbed her hand, and saw the flow of tears.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry, baby." I admitted.

"It is really fine." Changing the subject, "Umm, I need to drop some groceries off at my dad's." she explained.

"I'll come." I said pulling her to the elevator.

She pulled me back, "The thing is my father doesn't really like me much. And so when we drop off groceries we gave to leave, because he doesn't like looking at me."

What the hell.
What kind of father doesn't love there own?
What happened to where he can no longer even look at you?

"Why?" I whispered.
"When my mother died--" her tears came back. And again I felt of wash of regret.

Rejected with his babyWhere stories live. Discover now