Chapter 12

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When love is an excess it brings a man no honor or worthiness




His parents.

I am not good with parents, I am never who they want there child to be with.

I looked over to Nick he seemed like he was mindlinking someone, untill his eyes snapped to me but then zoomed in on Liam. I held me a little closer, and hoped Nick didnt see that.

He sighed," The furniture is here, some guys are bringing it up." I just nodded my head, as he came to sit next to me.

"When will your parents be here?" I wanted to be perpared.

"Maybe an hour?" he repiled laying back on the bed.

"Will you watched Liam while I get ready?" he simply nodded his head and took my baby out of my hands.

I walked into the bathroom, leaving the door open just incase Laim started to cry, or incase Nick started to cry. I stripped from my clothes, and turned on the water to the shower.

What will they think of me, I thought grabbing the body wash.
What if they don't like me at all?
They are going to hate me.

I didn't want to think anymore, so I just washed my body until the water turned cold.

I stepped out of the shower, and saw Nick and Liam sleep.
We will have to go to the department to get his name legally Liam.

I dried off, and put on all the needed under clothes and a white dress.
I was to sleepy to try to find anything else.

Nick was so lucky.
He didn't have to worry about making a good impression on my parents.
As they were gone and will never come back.

I hurried down the stairs to answer the door.
As I did I was meet with a beautiful woman. She had dark hair and green eyes, just like Nick. But as the man walked in I saw no resemblance between him a Nick.

"Hello!" The woman grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.
"You must be my sons mate!" She let go, but held me by the shoulders.

"Yes, Bethany."

"This is my husband, Kaleb." she pointed to the man, he had blond hair and bright blue eyes.

Just then, Nick came bouncing down the stairs with my child in his hands. As soon he was on the floor I snatched Liam out if his hands.

"What we were having fun." he shrugged his shoulders.

"Death is not fun." I scolded.
His mother came up to me and held her hands out for Liam.

I held him out for her, but tightly grabbed him back when there was a growl.

Nick stomped past me and to the man.
"What are you doing here." he spat.

"I came with your mother." he explained.
Nick turned to her, "why did you bring him here!?"

"I told you I was bringing your father." she stated.

"Yes. My father! Not him!" He said pouting at the man.

"Nick!" His mother shouted.

Nick pushed passed his mother, grabbing me and pulling me down the hall, to the elevator.

I think using the stairs is better, but I didn't have a choice.

I held Liam tight as we went up.
As we stopped Nick pulled me down the hall and to the nursery, snatched Liam, put him a crib full of, dangerous might I add, toys, turned on the baby monitor, pulled me out of that room and to ours and laid us on our bed.

He reached over and clicked on our baby monitor.
We laid in bed, listening to Liam laugh to himself, probably playing with toys.

"I'm sorry." he whispered to me.
"We have have dysfunctional families, lets just promise that when Liam gets old enough that we tell him the truth, all of it."

He nodded his head and kissed my forehead.

We fell asleep.

I'm such a bad mother.

I know I'm so bad. I haven't been writting, I promise a long and quicker update.

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