chapter 4

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Delay is a deadly sign of denial

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"So your name is Reese." I ask him, trying to make conversation.

"It is and yours in Bethany." He asked back.

I simply nodded, letting my thoughts wonder to my relationship.

"Okay here it is." Reese said pointing to a door. On this floor there weren't many doors.

I walked into the huge room, not bothering to take in the design, and flopped on the bed. What the hell am I gonna do?

Within a few more minutes the alpha walked in. As I, he flopped on the bed with me.

But he as sat up and put his hand on my stomach.

"Do you know the gender." He asked as he rubbed my tummy up and down.

"No." I laughed to myaelf "I just found out I am pregnant."

"Why did Reed reject you." He asked laying back down, and pulling me into his arms. He twindled his fingers though my long brown hair.

"I'll take care of both of you." He stated. I happily leaned into his embrace, taking in his warmth.

"What's your name?" My question was somewhat muffled by his shirt.

"Nickolas, but everyone just calls me Nick." He smailed at me.

He was going to take care of me. That was the best news I heard all day. My eyes held stress and sleep. I had no clue what time it was. The only windows were covered by thick curtains, letting in no light. So I just let my eyes close and sleep take over.



I was extremely happy. Yeah so, she was pregnant by someone else. But she was mine and the baby would be too. I held her tight. There was something, something didn't feel right. I could feel something in the pit of my stomach.

I know she just fell alseep but I wanted her to be safe. So I gently shook her awake.

"I need to take you to the nurse." I picked her up. She was still in a sleepy state, but I kept going.

As I made my way into the nurse's office, I quickly set her down on the bed.

"What's wrong?" The nurse asked feeling Bethany's forehead.

"I don't know. I just... I just feel something. She is pregnant." I spoke.

The nurse nodded her head and left the room. As she did Bethany pulled at my jeans.

"What's going on." She asked.

"Just a check up." I said, hopefully I am right.

The nurse came back with a screen and a little thingy.

"Okay this may be cold." said the nurse as she put a clear gel on her tummy.

She put the thingy on her tummy and rubbed the gel around. The nurse, Lisa, said nothing. But she had a look on her face that scared me.

Once she put up her things she sat on the edge of the bed and looked at us both.

"Your are deathly sick. Well your baby is." The nurse said "You're a month in and as you know in wolf time you are about 5 months. And you aren't eating enough calories to feed your child. If you don't eat and lay off the stress your pup may die." With that she left.

Rejected with his babyWhere stories live. Discover now