chapter 3

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Don't forget that I can't see myself, but my role is limited to being the one who looks in the mirror.


I can't do this.

I'm pregnant, with my ex mates baby!

I have been kidnapped by another pack.

This stress can't be good for the baby. I rubbed my stomach, even though I barely had a baby bump.

Should I keep it?

Can I even support it?

I walked out of the bathroom, ready for what was coming. The boy sat right outside the bathroom, waiting for me.

He stood upright when he saw me exit.

"One thing before you do this, you know taking me to your alpha thing." I said to him, he didn't say anything just looked at me, so I took that as a 'keep going'. "Tell alpha Reed that I was pregnant."

His eyebrows slowly rose up.

"Alpha Reed?" Then he laughed in my face "We saw Reed about an hour ago, when we ripped apart is pack house. His member were in horrible state anyway." He shrugged his shoulders.

My breathing became heavy.

"How many did you kill?" My eyes tinting with moisture.

He started walking back the way we came, "None, and we didn't hurt the children. Our alpha didn't want children hurt or harmed. He was nice, but got the point across. Don't fuck with us."

I let out a sigh of relief, even though I had no friends there, I didn't like when they were hurt. Even if they didn't care if I was.

I was to lost in thought, I wouldn't have known we were in front of the Alpha's office if the guy how didn't stop me from hitting my face on the glass door.

I took a big breath, as he knocked.

"Enter." A voice called from behind the door.

As the boy swung open the door, my breathing hitched and I froze in place. The boy put his hand on my lower back pushing me in.

There was a feeling of static in the air. But kept my eyes focused on the polished wooden floor.

"Leave." His voice was stern, yet it was still velety.

"Yes alpha." The boy called from behind me, I heard the door give a slight creek, then close shut.

"Look at me." His voice commanded.

I let my gaze linger on the floor a bit longer before I lifted my head, but only enough to see the top of his desk, and his chest.

"I don't like repeating myself." He said.

So I let my head, slowly, reach up to his eyes, which captivated mine. Within a matter of seconds I was held up against the wall.

I groaned in pain, my back ached in pain. He loosened his grip and backed up slightly. He whimpered into my neck and whipered, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

His hand circled around my waist and pulled me close to him, it would be hard to deny the sparks that flew. Then he roughly pushed me back into the wall and growled at me.

What was with him.

"What the hell?" I asked getting a strange feeling of confidence.

"I can smell another man on you! You're mine!" His words made me shiver.

I took a deep breath, I seemed to be doing this a lot, he was my second chance mate.


He will kill me once he finds out I'm pregnant.

Tears started to just flow from my eyes. I couldn't stop them.

"No, no I didn't mean to make up cry. Please don't cry." He said rubbing small circles in my back.

I didn't lean into him. I sniffled and was ready to get it over with.

"I'm pregnant."

His eyes widened and he stepped back.

"What?" He whispered.

"I had a mate before, this *hiccup* and he got me pr-pregnant. But then *hiccup* he rejected me. And th-then you guys at-tacted my pack and-and then I ran-"

"Shh. How long have you been pregnant?" He asked, cutting me off.

"A month."

This time it was his turned to let out a sigh.

"Before you kill me can you just tell Alpha Reed that I was pregnant?" His eyes widened an inch.

"You think I'm going to kill you?" He asked. I just shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm not going to kill you. You're my mate. Even if you're pregnant." He said to me " Reese!"

The guy who showed me in here came busting through the door.

"Yep, Alpha?"

"Take uhh...." He said looking to me.

"Bethany." I said for him.

"Take Bethany up to my bedroom." He said to Reese. "I'll be there in a minute." He said kissing my cheek and going back behind his desk.

Reese, quick grabbed my hand and pulled my out of the office.

What the hell is happening to me.

Rejected with his babyWhere stories live. Discover now