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one month later...

Their words rang in my head.

Liam's careless in my mind.

I sat on the cold concrete floor, staring at the jagged silver bars that kept me captive.

I winced at the laughter coming from above me, they were having a party while I was down here suffering. How could someone change so quick? One second beating someone, the next making small talk at a party.

Those are the people who scare me the most. People who can easily hide there emotions and thoughts.

I crawled back into the corner of darkness when I heard the sound of shoes come near.

"Honey?" Reed's voice beckoned me.

"Darling, come out. I want to show everyone that we have our family back." I heard the bars groan open, as Reed steps in with Liam in his arms.

I slowly stand up as he leads me out. He takes me to the nearest bathroom, places Liam on the floor, and hands me the dress that was laid on the sick. It was a peach strapless sun dress. It was very pretty.

I slipped the dress on quickly, as soon as I was dressed Reed held my hand, and allowed me to carry Liam for the first time in weeks.

When enterng the party iI was greeted by many people, Reed held my hand an wrapped his arm around me. For the first time in a month, I felt happy.




She was beautiful she had long strawberry blonde hair, hazel eyes and a short frame. She stood in my office, rocking back and forth on her heels. Crying.

"What happen?" I couldn't restrain myself from asking.

She looked up at my, tears running down her face. "He rejected me" she whispered, "He didn't even care! And he did it in front of everyone!"

I stood up from my chair, rounded my desk and hugged her. I held her in my arms until my Delta walked in. I let go of the girl and looked to him. He shook his head, "Alpha, we have no targets for Bethany..." he paused " I don't think we'll be able to find her...." I cringed at the mere fact that everyone was starting to call her Bethany, they know she is no longer their Luna anymore...

She is gone.

And I'm pretty sure i had accepted that fact too. I mean look at me, I was already looking at other girls! My wolf just seemed to dismiss the fact that our mate was gone.

I nodded my head and he left, I turned back to the girl. She no longer had tears running down her face. She had to look up to me, she was so cute.

"Can I stay here?"she asks.

"Yeah, yea you can.." I grabbed hold of her hand and lead her to my room...



Rejected with his babyWhere stories live. Discover now