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I woke up in a brightly lit room. I stood from the bed I was sleeping on, my mind automatically wondered to my lost child.

Where was he?

Where was I?

I looked around the room, the light poured in though the window. The bed I slept on was about queen sized, there were three doors in the room.

One was most likely for the exist, second one was for bathroom, and the maybe a closet?

Why am I here?

I walked over to the door, to find it locked.

I sat on the bed and wonder how this happened.

Who took me, where is Liam?

Where is Nick?!

I jumped out of my thoughts, at the soft click of the door unlocking.

I looked up to see my worst fear.

"Hello, Bethany." he came in holding my child.

"What do you want?" I looked over at him, but keeping my eyes on Liam.

"I came to return this family this back to normal." he grinned at me

I slowly retreated from the bed and to Reed.

I out stretched my arm, asking for my child without words.

He stares at me for a while before taking a step back.

"Do you not want me to have time with my child." he asks, hurt in his eyes.

I let my hands fall, but my eyes never left Liam, and the monster holding him.

"Come, time to eat." he lead me along a hall way. But soon I didn't need to know where to go.

We were back in my old pack house.

When entering the kitchen I saw everyone, how did they get out?

Memories flooded into my thoughts as I saw there looks of disgust, every face I passed had there nose scrunched in distaste.

"You brought her! She was the reason for this." the girl pointed to the trashed kitchen.

I took a good look around the kitchen, the table that we had pack meals at was broken into small pieces, the paint was chipping off, the stove had claw marks. Along with the fridge and counter tops. Is this what was happening when Reed was trying to get me to the basement?

What does the rest of the house look like?

Why were thy blaming me?

They were bad, rude people who deserves to be punished for messing with Nicks pack.

Where was Nick?

Has he noticed we are gone?

Maybe he thought it was best for me to come back here?

I mean how did they really get out?

Nick was smart, they wouldnt have been been able to get out.

Unless Nick let them out, to take me.

Maybe he didnt feel the same way anymore?

Why would he want to take care of a child that wasn't even his?

Stupid me.

"I did nothing." my small voice caught the attention of everyone.

"You did this to yourselves," I turned to Reed, "You were the one who taunted Nicks pack. This-" the slap burned my cheek.

But, it wasn't Reed who caused the spreading pain, it was the same girl who blamed me for the trashed pack house.

I looked over to Reed, he was playing with Liam as if nothing had happened. He could have been a good father, if he didn't have such short tempter.

"And if he wasn't a jackass, who didn't cheat on us." my wolf commented.

"What do you want with us?" I looked up at Reed, tears blurring my vision, his eyes darted to mine.

"We are becoming a family again."

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