chapter 2

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"Nothing is more common, then the wish to be remarkable."

I had no clue where I was going, but I knew I needed to get somewhere, where I can get some kind medication. I wasn't feeling right at all.

I let my feet guide me into a cheap liquor store, and to the male clerk behind the register.

"Hello sir, do you have any medicine for... Erm... nausea, vomiting, uhh... I have been using the bathroom a lot too, uhh I have some itchy sink and uhh...-"

"Ma'am, if I were you I would try this." The man said dropping a bright pink box the the counter.

The box read : Pregnancy test.

I looked up at him with a horrid expression, but he didn't look like he was joking with me.

I slowly picked up the box and walked around the small store looking for the bathroom. Once I found it and was in, I stared at the box.

I took out the, stick thingy, and read over the directions on the box.

I took a deep breath a did as the directions instructed.


I reread over and over.

But it never changed.

The electronic screen showed a positive sign, but the thing that made tears come to my eyes was that right next to positive sign was: 1m.

I thought I had a clue what it meant, but I wasn't sure. I ran out of the bathroom and back to the clerk.

"Sir, do you know what this means." I showed him the number on the screen.

"It means you have been pregnant for a month." He said, with worried look.

I threw a ten dollar bill on the counter, and ran out. The test still in my hand, I ran back to the pack house, Reed was going to be pissed. He wasn't going to accept this baby, I already knew.

"I, Bethany Love, accept your rejection." I whisper to myself.

I had to get my stuff.

I was about 10 feet away from my pack house, when there was a gag around my mouth and a blind fold over my eyes.

There was a low deep voice in my ear, "Was that your pack?"


I slowly nodded my head.

I was quickly picked up and, I'm guessing, thrown on his shoulder.


He was walking for a while, so when I was let down I automatically threw up. I couldn't tell if was the baby, or how my stomach was leaned over his shoulder for so long.

"Wow! What the hell? What is wrong with you?" He asked, taking off the gag that, probably, still had vomit on it.

"I'm pregnant." I said trying to find my mouth so I could wipe it clean with my sleeve.

"Oh, okay? We are here." He took off the blind fold and pushed my into a door of a pack house.

I quick turned around to face him.

"Do you have food?" I ask.

"Not now." He said turning me back around.

"Please, I'm sooooo hungry! I'm begging you!"

"Later!" He pushed me forward and toward a door. The door was labeled ALPHA. He was taking me to the alpha! He is going to kill me. There will be no 'later' for food.

I started to feel sick again. I turn to the guy with a sick face.

"I have to puke!"

He re-threw me on his shoulder and ran to a bathroom.


Thank God I had to vomit, or else I might have had to meet the Alpha.

Sorry guys I really didn't know how to work a pregnancy test so I tried to skip the parts that explained it.

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