Chapter 14

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"What do you mean she isn't a girl? What can she be..."

He looked at me with big eyes and his lip poked out.
He looked on the verge of tears.

"I-I under-derstand if you need me to leave the pa-ack." He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"Why? Why you need to leave the pack?"

"You wouldn't want a gay beta." he admitted

"Look, Reese your sexuality and your relationship is none of my business. As long as you still take your Beta job series, you don't fuck your mate in front of me, and you don't replace me with him, then everything we be the same." I shrugged my shoulders.

I watched him let out a deep breath, then stand up straight.

"So do you want to meet him?"

"Duh, I want to meet him!" I pushed him forward.

I let him lead the way to the 2 second floor bedrooms.
We didn't really have omegas, just people who had to help out more around the pack house because they don't really provide for the pack.

I stepped into the small bedroom and watched same the boy paced the room.
He stopped in his tracks and turned to me.

I looked over to Reese when he started to cry.
I watched as Reese comforted the smaller sized boy.

"Well I'll come back and threaten your mate later." I called over my shoulder, before I closed the door I heard Reese's laugh.

I jogged toward the elevator and hit button 5.
I nodded my head along to the melody playing.

As I walkers into the room I saw a note laying on the bed.

You took to fucking long!
So we left, don't catch up, unless I need you.

Well I guess I will have to interrogate Reese's mate now.
As I went back into the elevator I thought to myself.

Has Reese always been gay, or is he only gay for his mate?
Maybe Reese likes me?

I mean who wouldn't like me?
I couldn't blame him, I mean I'm sexy as fuck!

As I opened the door to the boys room I saw that Reese was no longer present.


The boy looked at me with wide eyes.
"Name?" I gave no mercy.

"Uh...umh... Alex?"

"Was that a question or statement."


"Look let's get straight to the point. You may not fuck with with Reese's feeling, you may not leave Reese's side, you may not fuck with some other guy, and you may not hurt my best friend." I took threatening steps toward him, "because of you do I will rip you limp from-"

"Nick what the hell are you doing!" Reese pushed me out they way to comfort his mate.

"What it's not like I was beating him up." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Nick, I can handle him okay, thank you for your concern, but I don't want it." he slammed the door in my face.



I put a tiny hat on Liam's head, as I walked out the door.
I had a random key and in my hand and walked out with Liam.

Nick was taking to long, and I wanted ice cream now.

As I walked into the lot, a hand snatched my baby, and one wrapped around my waist and mouth.

I screamed, but they were muffled by the hand.
Soon everything was dark.

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