chapter 16

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"Where the fuck is she!" I roared at my guards.

She was gone, along with Liam, and these idiots had no clue where she went. What were they here for if they are not doing there jobs!

I tried to regain my cool, I took a deep breathe.

"Do any of you know where she could be?" I said calmer this time. They all shared a knowing look with one another.

"Tell me!" I shouted, losing my composure yet again.

One boy stepped up, he looked maybe 15?

He was young, and out of all the men I had has guards he was the one to step up.

"They're gone sir."

I stepped forward, "Who is gone?"

He looked back at his pack members, and then to me "Reed and his pack."




I sat on the large bed and I carefully watched as Reed played with Liam, I cringed every time Liam laughed. I didn't him to get close with him, I'd rather he have no memory of his father, then a memory of how Nick and I took him away from and 'good life' and ' kind father'.

Oh, the lies Reed could feed him.

What am I even thinking?

Reed is not Liam's father!

"Bethany..." I flinched at him using my name.

I slowly looked up at him, his eyes were soft.

"What are you thinking about." his voice was calm and smooth, but his towering figure still wanted control.

"Leave us alone!" I stood, slightly pushing him back "Just give me back my kid so we can leave! You didn't want me here before you knew I was having a baby. You just want us to keep your pow-" my rant was cut short by the harsh contact Reed's hand made with my cheek.

"Bethany, you'd better learn to shut your mouth! You were always complaining about shit, that's why. When will you learn that no one cares about your feelings" he laid Liam on the bed, "out of all the girls a fucked, you had to be the one who carried my pup." he said more to himself.

He turned back to me, "I am all you have Beth, do you see your prince charming charging down doors trying to get to you? Of course not, Bethany the only thing you got going for yourself is your looks. And by the way you've gained some weight."

And with that he left the room, locking me inside.

He was right.

Nick isn't coming, I am to much to handle.

He isn't coming.

No one was.

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