Chapter 10

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"What are you doing here?" The words fell out of my mouth.

"Are you not happy to see me?" Her smile turned into a smirk.

"Actually, I'm not happy to see you." I spat out.
Her facial expression went blank all together.

"You think you can just pop out of nowhere and life will to back to normal? You are supposed to be dead. Where were you my whole life?"

"Bethany," she reached out for me, but I swatted her away.
"I'm sorry, you deserved to know that I was never in that fire." Her voice became low, "but, I was out instead. I didn't tell anyone, because... I ... I was having an affair." She bit her lips togther.

Anger was an understatment.
I gently put my baby his fathers arms.

"You are telling me you left me ,your only child, and your loving husband to grieve for years, cry over the loss of you for hours every day, because you were to scared to admit you where whoring around town!" Her gasp filled my ears.

"How dare you!" She yells, "I am your mother!"

"You were, until you left and just decided to come back. Until you broke me and my father up." I kept my face blank, not wanting any emotion to show.

My father came through the door, easing some tension in the room.
"Honey, are you done visiting the baby?" Of course he didn't care that I had his grandson, he was always to wrapped up in my mother, he probably didn't even care that she just came out of nowhere either.

He probably knew she was cheating, but still loved her.
It may sound sweet, but it truly sickens me.
"Yes, yes I am." she turns on her heels and walks out, but not without the final word.

"That is my grand baby, and you keeping him away from me is wrong, and I won't let you."

"I say, yellow."
"Yellow is a girls color."
"Mustn't I remind you, colors don't have genders."

It was simple, if only he would agree with me. We should paint the nursery yellow.

"Let's do blue." He argued.
"What if we have a girl next, she is going to have a blue room?"
"We'll repaint."

He was right, and if he chooses this color, I'll chose the next.

"Fine, fine. Blue it is. Now baby names." I stared at my child.
He had no features of Reed, which worried me a little, but also made me happy.

I already knew that would make Nick happy.

"I'm not sure what to name him." I looked up and found Nick quickly typing on his screen.

"What's wrong baby?"
"My moms coming to see the baby." he gave an uneasy smile, but I saw no reason for it.

Comment baby names!!!

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