chapter 18

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𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐯

"WOAHHH EMA THIS PLACE IS SO COOL!" a tangerine yelled

"shhh you're going to bother the neighbours" ema said flicking hinata's forehead

the trio stood in front a small white house and beside the house was the river. the river was long and had a bright blue tint.

"okay we better head in before it get too dark, go go" ema said pushing the two first years

kageyama was a little bit out of it. everything around him looked so familiar, it was... amazing

once all of them got inside the house it was completely empty.

"ema i thought you said you had family here?" kageyama asked side eyeing the small girl

"oh, yeah she'll be here later don't worry" she said with a smile. 

kageyama was going to ask something but heard hinata yell


"oh my- that idiot is already exploring" ema said hitting her forehead

"well i might as well show you to your room" she said

as kageyama and ema walked up the stairs he saw photos of a young girl with a braid, it was tied red ribbon.

"hey ema who's this?" 

she looked at the photo and smiled

"you'll meet her soon" 

they walked to kageyama and hinata's room and ema got them settled in. they read and talked for a bit until they heard the front door open.


ema's head whipped up and ran downstairs, the boys looked at each other and followed.

"MITSUHAA!!" ema said jumping in the unknown women's arms. 

when the boys got a good it look there was a women with long hair and a red ribbon around her hair. 

"AH you've grown so much!" the women said squishing ema's cheeks 

"yeah if a few millimetres is a lot" ema said crossing her arms

the women laughed then spotted kageyama and hinata.

she smiled 

"hi there! i'm mitsuha miyamizu, ema's cousin" 


"thank you for the food!" the four of them yelled. 

"i'm so glad i got to finally meet you!" mitsuha stated as the two boy's inhaled their food

"thammk yo-chu forsh  hav-bing ae-us" hinata said chewing his food earning a smack in the head from ema

mitsuha laughed and the dinner continued

"so why did you guys come here? i just got a text from you that you needed somewhere to stay" mitsuha said looking at ema

"we're on a mission to find someone that kageyama knows" ema said,

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