chapter 8

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𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐯

"soft fingers soft fingers" y/n repeated as she set the ball to herself. 

"hey dumbo- playing volleyball again?" the light haired girl asked sitting on the curb 

"well it's not like i have a choice" the h/c girl mumbled

"what was that?" elia asked 

"aH n-nothing just mumbling" y/n said catching the volleyball 

"it's like you get weirder everyday" elia said while rolling her eyes

"rude much" 

"no i'm not kidding! yesterday you were complimenting yourself like crazy"

"i-i w-what?!" y/n said putting a hand on her face trying to hide her blush

"you were like 'i look really pretty in this' or 'my eyes are pretty'" she said in a weird voice trying to mock y/n

"that stupid milkboy" y/n whispered trying not to smile


"hello there y/n here" kageyama said in the mirror trying to smile and wave. but then cringed. he was horrible at this.

"STUPID WHY CAN'T YOU BE A NORMAL TEENAGER AND SOCIALIZE LIKE A NORMAL PERSON" he groaned falling on his bed while putting a pillow over his head

"why am i even doing this i might not switch with her that day anyways" he said while standing up

"i should.. i should... get ready for training camp" he said giving up on practicing socializing 

he started putting he clothes in his duffle bag. then his knee pads- which he couldn't find. 

he opened his phone then looked at his notes.

'hey milkboy i put your knee pads in the wash because they smelled like shit lol 🙈'

he rolled his eyes but then his face warmed up seeing your nickname for him. when he first saw your nickname for him his face was as red as a stop sign. it was so red sugawara thought kageyama caught a fever. 

but he slowly got used to it. he saved the note to his photos and then went to get his knee pads. 

kageyama saves your notes to his photos because he has a fear of loosing the notes. because kageyama really loves your notes because they make him laugh and... because when you first wrote a note to him he deleted on accident. he may or may not have been upset that whole week.

poor kags :(

A/N : heyooo everyone! I hope you guys are excited for the next few chapters because a new oc will be introduced. hehe okay that's all stay safe everyone!

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