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woah it's been a hot minute since i've posted on this story LMAOO. 

so i was looking through the comments because i find them really funny and i realized there was a lot of blank spots in the story. 

so i'm just basically gonna sum up the story so it's easier to understand.

basically in the first part of the story both y/n and kageyama start switching bodies. not once calling because they were total strangers at the time. later on in the story we see y/n go to the festival were she... yk. 

anyways, kageyama then tries to call her but she doesn't answer so, him, ema and hinata fly to ema's cousins house (which is located in y/n's village). ema's cousin ends up being mitsuha from the actual movie "your name". and this was before mitsuha moved to tokyo and met taki. 

then after kageyama finds out that y/n.. yk. he goes to the doc that y/n's grand-ma took him too when he switched with y/n. 

the legend at that doc was that if you made a wish at that doc it would come true, but you would have to give up the thing you loved most. 

kageyama made the wish to see y/n again and warn her to not run into the street before the festival. then he fell and his wish came true. he was somehow able to connect with her (therefor he started to see her memories).

then there's the scene where he finally see's y/n. a lot of people were confused about this part. 

so after he made the wish and connected with y/n he fell into this time pocket and y/n was also there. 

the time pocket is in between kageyama's present and before the festival. that's why y/n thought it was the day after y/n and kageyama switched. and kageyama told her it's been a month.

okay now after kageyama told her about everything and convinced her she was enough, both of them started to return to their proper times. they were both extremely sad because knew that they would forget about each other. 

because kageyama wish came true, his memories with y/n were taken away because he loved her most. reminder the legend was :

if you made a wish at that doc it would come true, but you would have to give up the thing you loved most.

anyways, y/n went back to her time (before the festival) and kageyama went back to after the (festival). except since y/n knew not to run into the street this time. she didn't.. yk.

that's why in one of the very last scenes when kageyama is driving to the airport he briefly sees y/n. but they don't recognize each other. so nothing happens.

but in the future when kageyama and y/n see each other while y/n's visiting japan, a few of their memories come back. 

and then they chase to find each other again. and y/n goes to karasuno because something felt familiar about it. 

kageyama got the same feeling. 

they meet each other and then bam.

then the explanation about what happens after that is in the epilogue to the epilogue.

so i hope that cleared things up a little more! if you guys have any question just lemme know and i'll answer them. 

i'll also try to edit the story more to make it easier to understand. i hope you have a good day and thank you so much for reading!  <3

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