chapter 9

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"Is that the crows i see?" a boy with a bad bed hair said from afar

"hinata who's that?" y/n asked

"kuroo, yknow captain of nekoma" 

"o-oh right"

"did you hit your head or something?" hinata asked 

"no i-"

"come on guys you guys have to meet fukurodani's new manager she's gorgeous" tanaka said interrupting her

y/n and hinata looked at each other, shrugged and went to see the new manager.

while walking y/n was observing the scenery around her everything looked so different. she was definitely not expecting to wake up to this. 

i mean she was at home a few minutes ago and when she took a nap she switched with kageyama. then woke up on a bus. 

but she wasn't complaining.

"KAGEYAMA there she is!!" hinata whisper screamed

y/n turned around and was kinda shocked. 

she saw a small girl with black hair and tanned skin with dark eyes. the girl definitely didn't look japanese. but y/n had to admit she was really pretty.

after a little bit the girl spotted y/n and hinata. her eyes started to sparkle and she ran over to the pair. 

"hi! are you guys kageyama and hinata?!" she said with a kind smile

"y-yep!" hinata said as he tried to not go stutter but failed miserably.

"AH! it's so nice to meet you! my name is nakamura ema. but call please just call me ema it's easier." 

"n-nice to meet you too ema-san" hinata replied still nervous

"hinata please don't use formalities either it makes me feel old" she said waving her hands in front of her face.

y/n was still just standing there examining ema when she felt a elbow hit her.

"say something bakageyama."

"o-oh right, it's nice to meet you ema" y/n said pausing before asking another question

"are you from here?" y/n added

"kageyama that's rude to just ask some-"

"it's okay i get that a lot! i'm actually from the philippines. i transferred here this term because my dad's half japanese and wanted me to get a better education." she said with a closed eye smile.

"THAT'S SO COOL EMA!" hinata like all his nervousness disappeared 

"where in the ph-" before y/n could ask another question someone tapped ema on her shoulder.

"ema do you mind helping me with something" a black haired boy said.

y/n looked at the boy and blushed a bit. 

'he's hot... but not as hot as kage- WHAT THE HELL NO' y/n mentally slapped herself 

after talking with ema the black haired boy noticed y/n and hinata.

"hello kageyama-kun and hinata-kun" 

"hi akaashi-san"

"h-hello akaashi-san" y/n said taking note of his name. the black hair boy started to leave and ema gave Hinata and y/n a apologetic look

"sorry guys i have to go but you'll have to show me your quick later!" she said leaving with a wink and a smile.

kageyama told y/n about their quick and she practiced non stop. y/n got elia to attempt to spike it but they failed miserably. 

deep inside y/n hopes that she'll never have to do it in a real game.

"isn't she cute" a voice startled y/n and Hinata. the voice belonged to nekoma's captain, kuroo.

"too bad she's a second year" he said 

"ema's a second year!?" hinata asked with a shocked face

"yea but she's pretty short isn't she" kuroo said with a chuckle

y/n looked at ema she's looks like she's almost 5'1, y/n hummed in response. 

then she heard screaming.


A/N : I'm sorry for the short chapter. I hope you guys had fun meeting Ema.

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