chapter 1

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𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐨𝐯

this town is so stupid. 

it's like the whole town was made by people who don't use seasoning on their chicken. it's completely boring and lifeless. but of course there's the exception of my best-friends and i.

"y/n you know if you keep staring at the wall you might burn a hole through it" 

erica says breaking me out of my gaze. she has short-ish black hair and light eyes. i met her in middle school.

"she's day dreaming again" elia said rolling her eyes.

elia has light brown hair and dark eyes. she transferred to our middle school on our last year, and she's the most sarcastic girl i've ever met. 

elia and erica are the only two people i can tolerate, in fact they're my favourite people in the world.

"ARHG" i whine throwing my head onto my desk.

"do you guys think that we'll ever leave here and run away to somewhere fun like... Japan??" 

cue their groans.

"OH MY GOSH Y/NNN" elia whines throwing her head back

"this again??" erica asks, i can tell she's concerned about me.

"well i'm just saying could you imagine what our lives would be like if we were somewhere fun... exciting!" i say looking up at them.

"you and you're obsession with an adventurous life is weird. i mean you're weird in general. but enjoy the LIFE you have right now!" elia said sticking her tongue out at me. 

i look at erica who's in deep thought.

"you know usually elia's stupid but i think that she's right for once"

"HEY" elia screams back at her

"no seriously you're not weird but you should wait for your exciting life to come and enjoy life as is. you just need to be patient." erica says.

"fine fine fine you're right." 

"of course i am" they say in harmony

"no she was obviously talking to me" elia says 

"no way man i was the one who said everything" they proceeded to bicker.

i giggle at their antics. but then look out our school window.

'i guess i'll play the waiting game.'

"ok ok whatever can we leave this depressing school now class ended like 20 minutes ago." 

𝐤𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐚'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯

this dumbass is so annoying. 

i swear to god if he wasn't a good spiker i would've thrown him out the building already.

"bakageyama are you even listening?!"


once we get to the gym we start to warm up. but as i set the ball, the feeling that's been haunting me for days returns.

it's the feeling like something is missing. i don't really know how to explain it but i feel like missing out on something, almost as if something or someone is calling me.

but i mean i'm perfectly content with my life right now. at least i think i am.

A/N : AHH first chapter is out, i'll try to post a chapter each week! stay safe everyone <3 

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