chapter 19

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𝐞𝐦𝐚'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯

it's been a day since we found out that y/n passed away and kageyama has been distracted since then.

at dinner he wouldn't talk and when we tried to talk to him he would look at us dully. 

sometimes he'll start researching about her death but it was all unknown from the public.

i'm getting worried.

tomorrow we leave back to japan. but i don't know if kageyama's ready to accept that.


𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐯

kageyama was sitting on a bay window from the library on the third floor of the house, looking outside. 

it was going to be sunset in a few hours. which means another day wasted.

the golden light lit his face and dust flew around him. he looked peaceful yet he was going through a war in his head. 

his right hand dropped by his side and with it his phone. 

he sighed then slowly brought his phone in front of him. there was a slight glare when he unlocked his phone but when the glare was gone, 

y/n notes were gone too.

"no, please no" he pleaded but his pleas weren't answered

he threw his head back agains the wall behind him and a tear slipped down his face.

right as it fell someone knocked on the door. 

quickly kageyama wiped the excess of the tears and sat up straight and looked out the window.


it was mitsuha

"h-hi" kageyama weakly replied

"sorry i just need to get a book" 

"no don't worry about it"

she swiftly waltz to the bookshelf, grabbed a book and then walked back to the door. 

as she reached the door she took a deep breath

"hey kageyama-kun?" she said softly

he turned to look at her and she was looking at her book.

"i'm sorry about y/n-" 

"you don't have to apologize" he said coldly while looking at the ground

"i wasn't finished" kageyama then looked up at her

"i'm sorry about y/n but i don't think she would want you to be isolated here" then she realized that she didn't even know y/n and had no place to say that.

"i m-mean i don't know her but either way you she wouldn't want you to be upset she would probably want you to enjoy the sunset maybe? i heard it was supposed to be a really pink sunset tonight" she mumbled the last part but all of a sudden it was like a gear in kageyama brain started working

his eyes opened wide and he stood up.

'if you wish for something while the sky turns pink it'll come true'

"thank you" he said before rushing by mitsuha

very confused she peaked her head into the hall way where kageyama ran.

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