chapter 4

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"I DID WHAT?!?!" 

"y/n are you okay?? why don't you remember yesterday?" erica asks while plopping a chip in her mouth

"no no no you guys are joking right?" i ask trying to remember 

"nope" elia said popping the p

"you looked like a sports magazine hit you in the face and all you wanted to do was play volleyball" elia says while erica nodded

"you kept calling us 'boke'. we had to search it up and apparently it means dumbass." erica added

"say sike right now." i said leaning on the edge of my chair.

"i wish i could man. when i called you honey you thought it was your name" elia said flipping the page of her magazine.

"what's the earliest you can remember?" erica asked

"hmm well it was when we binged watched oran oran host club." i said leaning back into my chair and looking to the sky

erica and elia both looked at each other.

"y/n honey that was a week ago"



"please flip to page 34" the teacher said. 

i flip to the page but i can't help but think about what erica and elia said. honestly they could be pulling a prank on me. 

but they seemed serious. 

i open my note book to write notes and flip to a blank page.

who are you?

ok Elia and Erica are definitely pranking me. 

i inspect the page a little more. 

"holy shit this hand writing is messy" i mumble.

"y/n would you mind focusing on our lesson" my teacher 

"sorry sorry" i say sliding down my seat a little bit.

"oh i'm glad to see you remember your name today" the teacher says gaining a few giggles.

what the hell.

after class I went outside to look for elia and erica when a group of boys came up to me.

"hey y/n! can you set for us again?" a boy said holding a volleyball.


"yknow set for us! like yesterday!" 

"i-i'm sorry can't today!" i say getting away from them.

"i set for them?" i say under my breath

"Y/NNNN" i hear but before i can even look back i was tackled.

"jeez you look so... so startled. how was class?" elia says getting off my back

"were you the one writing in my note book?" i ask


"nevermind let's just go eat lunch i'm starving" i say and erica nods. 

once we sat down i open my bag and found 3 boxes of milk or juice boxes that didn't have juice but milk. i definitely did not put that in my bag

"did you guys put these in my bag?" i ask while showing them.

"oh yesterday you asked us to buy them"

"what the hell?! are you sure you guys aren't pranking me?" i say rubbing the temples of my head.

"I THINK I KNOW WHATS GOING ON!" elia screams 

"WHAT?!?" erica and i ask leaning towards her

"you are... GOING CRAZY" she says while laughing as she clutches her stomach

"wow elia you're so smart" i say rolling my eyes. she's still clutching her stomach laughing like a... a... a hyena

"chile anyways, so on a serious note maybe you need more rest" erica says while pointing her pocky at me

"you're right" I mumble back before taking her pocky and shoving in it my mouth 


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