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𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐯
-5 years after

"y/nnnn where are you going we just arrived" elia whined from the couch of the hotel room

"adventuring! we just got here and we shouldn't waste any time" y/n said with a smile

elia looked to erica who was getting on her coat

"she has been waiting for this since highschool" erica stated while dusting off her coat. 

"UGHHH fine fine" elia said getting up 

once the trio got outside they started to walk around.

the reason they came to japan was because y/n's business was extremely successful, so the first thing she did was call up her 2 best friends and go to the place she's been dreaming of since highschool. 

the trio didn't change too much, y/n still had the same h/c hair and didn't grow at all. elia chopped off her hair and it was now sitting at her shoulders and erica started to get into makeup and looks like one of those runway models.

"y/n where are we going~" elia whined 

"why are you so whiny today" erica knuged elia

"i don't know maybe because we just were on a 14 hour flight" 

y/n laughed

"we're not going to a specific place we're simply adventuring" y/n said

right as she turned the corner she saw train station that looked familiar.

"let's go on this train and see were it takes us" y/n said to the two girls

"i don't know y/n isn't that kinda dangerous?" erica asked

"pleasseeeee" y/n said pulling out her best puppy dog eyes

the two girls looked at each other and then groaned.

"whatever at least i get to sit down" elia said pushing towards the train station.

y/n smiled and linked arms with erica and trailed elia.

the train wasn't too busy just people staggered across. the trio found seats right in the middle of the train. 

y/n took the window seat, erica took the aisle seat and elia took the middle seat. and the train station took off

elia immediately fell asleep and start to lean on erica who rolled her eyes. y/n started to lean on the window and watch as the scenery.

y/n doesn't know why this train seemed so familiar, or why she had a feeling to go but she has a feeling that something good will happen. 

meanwhile at miyagi prefecture a ravenette who grew taller stood with a very tan tangerine. 

"kageyamaa when do you think ema's coming???" hinata whined

"she said she was driving here so she should be here soon" kageyama said while looking at his watch.

"i still can't believe she's able to drive she's really short" hinata said making kageyama looks down at him

"says you" 


there wasn't really a reason kageyama called hinata and ema, he just had a feeling he should catch up with them. 

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