chapter 10

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Third pov.

"Naruto do you want to go to school?" Their mother asked while asheru is cleaning the table.

"School?" Naruto asked.

He didn't expect thier mother would ask him.

"Yes, you will study with asheru" ameharu said while wipping his mouth with cloth.

"Oh... But is it fine?" Ameharu chuckled then yelled at asheru in the kitchen.

"HAVE ANY OBJECTIONS LITTLE BROTHER?" Asheru came back then sat on one of the chairs, face dark, hands on table and seems thinking hard.

This made naruto nervous to the core.

Then his suddenly brought his head up and grinned.

"Absolutely nothing aniki" asheru laughed at naruto's face not until his mother gave him a wholesome slap.

Feel the pain bother- ameharu.

"What was that for mother?!?" Asheru asked while holding his red cheeks.

"You're making fun of naruto" she said and got up, ameharu gave asheru a light pat on his shoulder then followed after his mother.

"And asheru, show naruto his new room i shall slap you once again if his room turns out dirty" his mother warned him with a glare as if saying 'im watching you brat' then proceed to drag ameharu by his yukata.

"Wait, why am i being dragged mother?" Ameharu asked confused.

"We are going to talk about naruto's condition" his mother state very seriously as her grip on ameharu tightened.

"We are just going to talk right?" Ameharu asked nervously.

His mother glared at him.

'oh, no...'

Ameharu gulped.

"I actually can train tomorrow :^" ameharu struggled but his mother's grip is too tight to be able to break free.

"No we are going to train right now, and im going to beat the crap out of you if my words turns out didn't reach that brain of your's" and dragged him upstairs.

"Ackk no, help mee!!!" Ameharu begged asheru and naruto who just waved their hand at him.

"Please come back in one piece" asheru said at him.

"Why do you sound like sending me off to war you bastar---" before he can say anything else his mother throw him on the other side of the house.

Both naruto and asheru sweat dropped.

"Then let's go... I shall show you to your room little prince" naruto laughed at him as asheru offered his hand to him which he did accept.

After a long walk they found his room.

A perfectly orange room.

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