chapter 9

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Third pov.

"Is he?" Umeharu asked his mother while touching naruto's face

"Yes" umeharu's face lit up and he smiled brightly...

Naruto just gave him a blank look..

"oh dear what's your name?" Umeharu asked happily and naruto once again gave him a blank look.

"I'm... Naruto Uzumaki an omega sir" naruto stared down..

"Uh?... Mother?" Umeharu turned to his mom worried, but her  mother shakes her head.

"Sigh... I'm umeharu... A beta nice to meet you just call me aniki haha " umeharu said and grab his right hand to shake.

"Ameharu we need to talk"  akabe said and walked upstairs ameharu soon followed her.

Not before ruffling naruto's hair.

"Sooooo... Let's eat!" Asheru said as soon as both of his mother and brother is out of sight.

Asheru dragged him in the kitchen and opened the fridge.

He brought vegetable out and some raw meat.

"What are we going to eat?" Naruto asked and tilt his head out of confusion.

"Hmm do you want ramen?" Naruto's face lit up... Ramen what is that sounds yummy 🤤.

"Sigh... I wonder why I can't erase your obsession to ramen" kurama spoked.

"What?" Naruto asked but then kurama replied nothing.

'he must have fallen sleep again'

"Ohh ramen... But why are you bringing out those raw meat and vegetable?" Naruto asked looking at them one by one...

'he's not thinking of feeding those bitter vegetable to me right? Is this ramen!?'

"Huh? Ofc I'll cook the ramen" asheru said wearing a white apron.

"Can I help?" Naruto said standing up.

"Then can you chop those meat? I'm going to boil them soon"

Asheru gave him a knife and a chopping board.

'i wonder if it's fine to gave an eight years old a knife? Oh maybe it's fine he has two hands'

(Asheru has no sense of logic)

Naruto stared blankly towards the knife he was holding them turned his gaze to the harmless meat laying on the chopping board.

'should I stab that?'

"Kurama? Please wake up" naruto said to kurama who opened his eyes as soon as he heard naruto.

"What is it kit?" Kurama asked.

"How to use a knife?" Kurama blinked once... Blinked twice...

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