chapter 12

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Third pov

Ameharu got on his defensive position, backing up protecting his students from any harm that might rushed towards them.

"what do you want." Ameharu asked with an stern voice, staring at the two lads in front of him, they didn't seem to be Naruto's 'far away friend' who passed by the middle of a sandie land with the sun up the sky seemingly want to melt them on the spot just to greet him.

wasn't the type of people you would want to build sand castles with.

"we know him"- Deidara.


Ameharu exclaimed inside his mind, it was now full of plans to just slit the throat of the long haired son of a b*tch for stating that fact.

Sasori who just beside him, slapped the back of his head.

"all of you except him can leave" Sasori stated, poiting his slim index finger at Naruto who was confused but at the same time scared.

Seeing their expressions Deidara smirked.

while on the other side, Asheru who was thinking deeply into their current situation has opened a book in his mind.

101 ways to survive.

"... DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE?!?" Asheru shouted suddenly gaining the attention of all of the participants in the current matter at hand. He pointed his shaking finger behind the two unknown people who passed by just to create trouble.

the red head with his companion both turned their gaze behind them, but nothng interesting to be found other than a pile of sand and the harmless wind.

"oh... it went away" with that a loud booming sound can be heard after Asheru had thrown a paper bomb on their way. lots of sand got into different ways creating a massive dust.

The two panicked as they stepped forward to catch them, however, they are now nowhere to be found.

"what the.. that brat!" Deidara stomped his foot down on the sand repeatedly out of frustration. Sasori on the other hand was calm and well collected.

"they haven't gotten away yet, fortunately I left my doll in the forest"

"doll? what doll? you mean that?" Deidara asked as his eyes darted on the clay bird who was gripping a worn out doll on it's claws.

"w-why do you have that" Sasori paled.

"I thought you forgot it? wait you actually left that there- on purpose?" Deidara blinked.

"y-you idiot!" with that they started to fight, being pulled to their own world, both of them proceeds into a mini shinobi war; throwing kunais at each other with the same thoughts in mind.



"what was that?" Asheru asked as soon as he no longer felt the presence of the two raged alphas. Carefully they ran through the sand, avoiding any chances of a beast appearing in front of them out of no where.

from these past few years, Asheru had really learnt his lesson of not disturbing unknown beasts for a surprise welcome party.

it wasn't a surprise welcome party if the guest isn't surprised- Asheru.

Naruto on the other hand was terrified.

are they gonna hunt me down?

"Kurama? are you asleep?" Naruto asked on his sub conscious, weirdly enough he saw kurama sitting on the dark side part of his subconscious murming the lines of-

clear thoughts clear thoughts, they didn't harm kit, clear thoughts

Naruto was now more terrified as his eyes darted on Kurama's claws as he slowly dig them deep into the soil made by Naruto's imagination, clawing the poor grass covered land with a gloomy look on his face.

once I see them again, i'll be putting them 6 feet under!

Naruto gulped down his own saliva down his throat as he decided to leave the old fox on his focused restrainant called 'do-not-kill-or-kit-will-be-mad'

"what a bunch of scumbag, they stalked you! for sure!" an irked mark appeared on Ameharu's face as he gripped his weapon tightly on his hand.

he hates pedophiles!

(sasori/deidara: *sneezes*

"that- seems not to be the cas-" Naruto and Asheru's other team mate who got involved in this matter with no clue in mind tried to shake of the idea but their childish teacher just cut her half way through her sentence with a

"don't talk back to me!"

what a great teacher he is

Naruto and Asheru who was clearly aware of their brother's habit of changing his attitude in a matter of seconds just sighed their frustrations out, they would probably spend their day hearing Ameharu's nonsense theories and countless murder plans.

he was just a doting brother.

with that, night time came as they reached the forest.

setting a camp and everything, Ameharu went off to find food for the night, as Asheru as well went off to find branches to lit up the fire.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2022 ⏰

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