chapter 2

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Im really sorry guys  for the wrong grammars and errors from the previous chapter but yeah, i already asked my sister to write it for me cuz my imagination keeps bugging my mind and its pissing me off that i can't let it out so my sister offered to help me.

So enjoy...

Third person's pov.

After his classes naruto got home placing his bag to who knows where and lay on his bed. he really needs a break, thoughts are digging a hole on his head.

Anxiety and worry strucked his whole body like an electric shock, tears forming in his eyes as he keep rolling on his bed to calm himself.

After a few seconds...

"ARG!!! IT'S NOT WORKING KURAMA!!!" naruto mentally yelled at kurama who was startled at the sudden burst.

"JESUS KIT!!! ARE YOU TRYING TO GIVE ME AN HEART ATTACK?!" kurama yelled back inside him holding his chest with his paws.

"as if you have a heart" naruto said pouting he was not going to apologize to the fox that he clearly startled him. And no he was not taking it back, not happening.

Kurama's eyes twitched...

"what did you just say kit?" kurama asked calmly, too calm for his own good.

Naruto can already feel the black atmosphere lingering from kurama and quickly shaked his head afraid to die young.

"nothing..." naruto said as the anxiety overtake his mind again, now he was trembling.

What if he was an omega? What if his friend thinks lowly of him? And more importantly what if some stranger alpha pounce on him while he was on the streets?

That scared the hell out of him...

"k-kurama what if i get raped?" naruto said as he enter his subconscious crying loudly in front of kurama.

"cut it out kit! Your second gender isn't revealed yet and here you are thinking someone was gonna rape you!" kurama said 'comforting' the little blond, and on the other side naruto calmed down a little bit thinking kurama is right that there's a chance that he was an alpha.

"y-you think so?" naruto asked wiping his tears with his hands, now his face was messy than he was in iruka's class struggling to solve that stupid math questions (im sorry guys i really hate math).

"yeah you're strong kit... And maybe a little cry baby, but when you we're 6 years old you we're almost taller than the others... A-and now they was taller than you... But your body is great... a girl." now kurama is having a mental breakdown regretting the fact that he made the boy believe him that he can be an alpha when he has so many omega traits.

Kurama facepalmed(paw) as naruto cried more louder this time hearing what kurama said.

"WAAHHHHH!!!!" now you can hear his crying voice all over the whole place, kurama just looked at him with worry.

"you know kit, you can just leave for a while then come back when you can control your heat." kurama stated making naruto think, ofc there was a village that has a higher beta population than alpha and omega.

And that is SUNA.

Alpha gaara was here in hidden leaf village anyways and he was not telling him that he was going in his home land.

naruto smiled thinking he can live there away from alphas and danger, the thought of him getting raped send shivers down his spine.

"that's a great idea kurama!" naruto beamed clearly happy about his plan, kurama just sighed in relief that the little blond has calm down.

"ok so let's have the hokage informed tomorow before we leave ok kit? Let have you sleep for now and stop worrying." yes kurama knows that tsunade will probably againts the idea of them but i can't be helped naruto is full of worries that he could die just looking at some alpha from far away.

Naruto exits his subconscious and fix himself then tidying his bed and sleeps.

Next day...

Naruto was now running, jumping roof from roof as if staying at the village a little second late would end his life right away.

Then he slammed the door looking at lady tsunade who has her face on the papers.

"baa-chan!! Im leaving!!!" naruto said happily.

Tsunade slammed his hands down almost breaking her office table appart making naruto jumped as her work papers fly everywhere.

"" tsunade asked looking at naruto with such scary eyes that made naruto want to just cuddle with kurama inside his subconcious.

Now you can clearly see tsunade's nerve twitching on her face.

"i love you kurama this is the end." naruto said inside his head closing his eyes.

"you're over reacting kit." kurama said rolling his eyes then lay his head down for a little nap.


"ARE.GONNA.TALK.OR.NOT?" Tsunade ask holding her fist exhaling.

Im gonna talk ma'am.

"i-i can explain?" naruto barely said through his breaths that he was now currently lacking.

He explained everything to tsunade despised her scary look that making his knees shake.

Tsunade nods understanding the brats situation, and gave him a long sigh.

Then she gave naruto an scroll.

"what is this?" naruto asked confused.

"it was an permission to enter the suna." tsunade said holding her head, she doesn't want naruto to leave but she know its for his safety.

Naruto leave with ease happily holding the scroll going back on his appartment packing his things.

He got 2 shirts and 2 pants with his undies, he got nothing important anyways and he was really excited going on a trip to SUNA that he don't really mind what he was packing.

He locked his door and ran outside villagers was looking at him confused eyes as he ran through the road passing streets.

Now he was on the gate, he was sweating.

'im gonna leave konoha for some adventure im really happy but at the same time im not.. I would really miss my friends and baa-chan speacially that ramen shop'

Then he started to walk unaware that seven pairs of eyes are looking at him.

(to be continued)

A little short im sorry

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