chapter 4

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Third person's pov

As they walked kurama suddenly stopped and stared at the two teens who wo're black coat with red clouds on it.

"now it's time for the two of you to do your work." kurama said as he let naruto take over his own body.

Slumping down beacause of he was forced to wake up once again, the now real naruto looked at the two alphas in front of him, he gulped.

"don't get nervous, we're not gonna eat you." sasori said blankly as he walk pass at naruto, getting ahead.

"kit it's ok, they will protect you. I can't stay controlling your body all the way to suna beacause it was consuming toomuch chakra, if something dangerous happens, i'll protect you but for now let them be." kurama said inside him comforting the little blond who was having a little panick attack beacause of the two alpha.

"ok." naruto replied with resuring smile as he calm himself down, crying his anxiety out would not do any good and will worry kurama, just like yesterday.

Then someone scooped him startling him.

He looked up and saw it was the blond man.

"w-why?" naruto asked, his foot was ok and he can walk so why carry him?.

"you're so slow, we need to get you there as fast as we can, alphas like us might pounce on you, and that beast inside you will end our lives." deidara said as he carried naruto jumping from tree to another tree.

He has a point, naruto admitted to himself.

He's not safe inside konoha, he's not safe outside either.

And kurama might go on rampage destroying anything on his way just because of him getting hurt.

Naruto closed his eyes feeling the cold air hitting his face as deidara carried him fying up and down.

The sun is setting leaving a color of orange with a mix of violet on the sky.

The naruto asked.

"what's your name?" naruto asked as he opened his eyes revealing the breath taking blue pupils looking directly at deidara's face.

Deidara raised his right eyebrow asking back.

"didn't that fox of yours tell yah?" naruto shakes his head 'no'.

Deidara just sighed but before he can open his mouth sasori spoked beside him.

"he's deidara and im sasori nice to meet you, actually it was not nice." sasori said truthfully naruto just looked at the two of them tilting his head as if asking what the problem.


"that fox of yours is so powerful yah you know?" deidara said, eyes infront. he might kiss the blond because of his cuteness and kurama will take his head if he stays looking at that face.

He can't afford to die young.

Then sasori snapped slapping deidara's head at the back.

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