chapter 7

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            Third pov.         

"kurama, tell me... How did i get here?" naruto asked sitting up. His whole body was burning but enough to endure.

His head was foggy but kurama was helping him from getting drown into his heat.

"sasori and deidara brought you here" kurama lied, he was good at lying but sometimes naruto would notice it and would break his lies.

He just lied because he didn't want naruto to hate his friends for that and for a nonesense reason of him wanting to get away from alphas, he was over reacting and kurama didn't want his kit to be depressed.

"ohh ok... Maybe i was hallucinating but i smelled a different smell, but yeah never mind" naruto said clutching the wet cloth that was placed on his head. He then closed his eyes and laid once again... Realising he needs more sleep.

Mean while kurama being a mother hen(fox) of his getting worried about sasori and deidara...

He growled, he clearly know that those two want the power of the ninetails, want the power of him.

'im aware that they plan on getting the ten tails back, and i don't care obout that... Just want my foolish kit safe even it cost my life'

Kurama sighed... The ninetails himself was hard to tame, even to the previous jailer no one succed to tame him.

Except this foolish child.

Who knew nothing.

Nobody knew the ninetailed beast's name and they call him by his mistake.

But his kit who knows nothing, easily forgave him saying it was not his fault and he was controlled.

Even thought he said he's not when he killed his parents.

Naruto said.

'you are afraid'

Kurama was shocked.

'being jailed for their selfish needs, you most be lonely here thats why you desire to be released and not wanting to be jailed again'

His kit smiled softly at him.

'i will take all that lonelyness and hate from you, until nothing is left... So tell me... What's is your name?'

Kurama silently chuckled at the memory, the naruto that day seems so smart but he's actually a fool and always asking kurama for help.

And kurama was kind of happy that his kit was still relying on him.

His desire to be released was not in his mind anymore but now... He just wanted to stay by his kit's side.

Its making him happy.

That's then he made a plan, a plan to remove those pests in naruto's memory.

'im sorry gaki, you can never go back. I need to erase them for you to find peace.'

Kurama said as he started to perform the forbidden technique.

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