chapter 6

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Third pov

"we have arrived, give me the scroll" gaara said as he stopped in front of a gate.

"why need the scroll? You're the prince why can't you just enter?" kiba asked, hopping down from the ink bird that sai made.

"do you think an eight years old would go back on his village without the hokages permission? They will get suspicious you dumbass.. How troublesome" shikamaru stated, giving gaara the scroll he got from naruto's bag.

"what business do you have here prince?" thr guard of the gates asked, looking at gaara suspiciously.

"i have a permission to enter MY OWN VILLAGE by the hokage of the leaf herself" gaara said blankly giving them the scroll, they nodded and opened the gates.

"is that your companion? Gaara sama?" the guards asked pointing at the 9 people behind him.

"yeah... But that blondie there..." as he pointed his finger at naruto who being carried by neji now."was my mate" he smirked.

"hey you!" kiba yelled, thick nerve on his forehead.

Gaara ignored him and just walk toward the gated that were now opened. He looked inside, lights and people are everywhere.

Lantern are being lit, people are dancing and laughing wearing a traditional kimono, delicious food are being distributed.

How unfortunate.

Its the suna's festival.

Gaara looked back.

"people are everywhere, we can't get caught by any of them" gaara stated seriously.

"why's that?" shino asked.

"they well... Clearly knows my face. And if they saw any suspicious people like us, they will report it to the hokage which is my father" gaara said to them.

"and? Is that a problem?" kiba asked.

"yes it is, they hate me and they will also hate you all. So follow me closely" gaara said making a sand mask for himself and the others before walking inside.

The san mask was not ordinary. Their face was being change outside of the mask.

'we are suspicious but atleast our identity was still being hidden'

He walked and walk.

"so... Where are we going to leave naruto?" neji asked holding naruto tightly bacause of the look he was getting... Difinately because of the red chakra around him.

"orphanage is the best option" gaara  turned as everyone followed him.

"i see... Were going there now?" deidara asked...

"no we're going to the market to sell naruto... Ofc were going there now you dumbass" sasoru said in a sarcastic tone.

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