chapter 11

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So apparently, me and my brother ave been fighting for this chapter.

Here's our conversation:

Ash:(yes my oc 'asheru' came from my name) how about we do a time jump?

Axiel: time jump? How do we jump on time?

Ash: are you dumb?

Axiel: no, i just don't get what you are saying.

Ash: it means time skip morron.

Axiel: and?

Ash: i want a time skip!

Axiel: i want my plot.

Ash: it sucks, considering the mess you made with their age.

Axiel: its my story!

Ash: and im the writer, now shut up and fuck off.

Third pov.

It's been 5 year since naruto got adopted, to kurama's relief none of his friend came after him or have known his wherebouts.

Kurama has been protecting him and tutoring him since he started schooling, kurama wouldn't admit it but naruto was fun to teach with his determination and constant praising.

Naruto has also found out that asheru and ameharu had different fathers, Ameharu's father had left them and asheru's father who apparently owned their house had passed away.

That's why Ameharu's techniques was different form asheru.

Ameharu was  literally a living store room, he can store non living things inside his body like a scroll.

Asheru's eyes not useless in battlefields as you thought it is considering that he can use it just 1 time in 10 years, but his eyes was good at predicting things and analysis.

Both of them was good at hand to hand combat.

They have been training naruto to death, being a omega was not an excuse not to fight in a battle field, world is cruel and sinful, weakness can never fit in.

But yeah, after their 'training' kurama would beat them both up to also death. No one gets away beating his kit fine.

Now naruto was 13, and he had became so sly like fox and very smart. He can beat alpha's who was trying to get into his pants.

He was now using his brain thank goodness.

They're getting ready to participate on chunin exam that will held inside konoha.

I'll be lying if i said kurama was calm.

He was pacing back and forth thinking of something that will make his kit change his mind of going into konoha, if his kit found out that he erased parts of his memory he was  good as dead.

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