chapter 5

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An hour ago

Tsunade's pov

Hah! That gaki! Troubles are chasing after him! know this will happen as soon as he left this village but this is was too soon!

Well, i was worried of naruto so i draw a tracker symbol that i connected on my palm and on that scroll that he was carrying, now i fuckin know that he was in danger.

This tracker symbol will send signs of danger into me.

Fuckin hell.

Why do i agree to let him go again?

Oh right, because of that damn fox inside of him. I can't let him stay.

If naruto gets hurt because of the villagers here, i know that kyuubi will go on rampage and turn this whole village into dust.

And i know if naruto gets weaker that daman kyuubi might force his or her way out. (tsunade didn't know that kurama was a guy)

So its better that he/she will go rampage outside.

And i already send Weasel to follow---

Then my door opened with a loud bam.

What the heck? What again? I didn't get a door so people can just get them slamed in front of me.

Its weasel the anbu that i send to follow naruto.

"WHAT?" i asked in a angry tone, i many things on my mind so better give me a god fucking news or i will rip his body into two piece.

"hokage -sama i can't follorw the jinjuriki any furder" he said and bowed.

"why is that?" i looked at him with confusion, why can't he follow naruto any furder?.

"two strong people was guarding him , and if i get too close they might notice my chakra and fight me and might hurt naruto in the process, but it seems they're not doing anything to cause harm to naruto and the kyuubi inside him was giving off a strong pheromone, it was crushing me it was like he was treathening those two" he said, i understand itachi was still a new anbu anyway. I can't have him following naruto with such dangers and he has a family waiting at home for him.

I nodded, the symbol was not reacting anymore anyway.

"you're dismiss" i said and turn my head to the glass window.

Looking outside, i can see people laughing and running everywhere doing their own task that they were assigned too.

'im sorry gaki, but as a hokage i can't risk having this village destroyed again.'

As the anbu at my office left.

Once again my door was slammed open.

Ok, what the heck is wrong with my door?!?! Should i just get rid of it?!?

Can this day get any fucking better?

Brats... fucking brats everywhere. Did shizune brought them over so i can get a slap service?

I don't slap brats but that would be too good slapping heirs of our village one by one spevially that uchiha.

Oh my i can't slap them but for the sake of calming me down i would get my hands feel a little friction.

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